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Here's what interviewing voters taught me about the slogan 'defund the police' Danny Barefoot. The 'market' won't save us from climate disaster. We must rethink our system Robert S Devine. Expecting the free market to fix global warming is like trying to pound nails with a saw. Trump lost because of increased turnout among Black and brown people and their white allies. His appeals to fear and division failed.

Rudy Wong Investment Advisor Case Study

Dear Joe Biden: are you kidding me? Erin Brockovich.

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The president-elect has tapped a former DuPont consultant to join his Environmental Protection Agency transition board. Biden's cabinet could do a lot — if he resists the urge to fill it with 'consensus' picks Max Moran and Miranda Litwak. End the odes to political 'civility'. Do you really think Republicans will reciprocate? Laugh if you want, but the 'McPlant' burger is a step to a greener world Adrienne Matei. Why are public thinkers flocking to Substack?

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Sean Monahan. So long, farewell, I tweet tweet tweet, goodbye! Lawrence Douglas and Nancy Pick. Sign up. Why US rightwing populists and their global allies disagree over big tech Evgeny Morozov. The American wing of the movement sees big tech as a target of attack while populists in the rest of the world see it as their best chance of escaping intellectual hegemony. Does marijuana use really cause psychotic disorders? Carl L Hart and Charles Ksir.

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Why can companies still silence us with mandatory arbitration? Moira Donegan. LA's teachers can teach the working class about the power of labor strikes Eric Blanc and Meagan Day.

Rudy Wong Investment Advisor Case Study

Why are Guatemalans seeking asylum? US policy is to blame Gabriel M Schivone. The Guardian view on war in Ethiopia: time is short. Editorial: Hundreds have already died.]

Rudy Wong Investment Advisor Case Study

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