Role Of Partnering With Municipal Councils Video
#MandinkaNews Kanifing municipal council (KMC) in partnership with the Gambia red cross society... Role Of Partnering With Municipal Councils![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Role Of Partnering With Municipal Councils](
Jump to navigation. It further commemorated the anniversary of the Durban Declaration and the election of the Partnerinf. During the World Council, mayors and partners addressed some of the key policy issues for the future of humanity as we enter the Decade of Action in three High-Level debates. The Ecological TransitionAddressing Inequalitiesand Leading the way to the Recovery are strategic areas that are reflected in both the work plan of our World Organization for the coming year as well as in the renewal of our strategic priorities; the development of our policy and research, and in learning tools. The debates held during the World Council will be a part of the red thread that will inspire our action, feed our work plan and ensure we remain relevant for the members and the communities that need us.
It is in at this complex context, with a world that is resuming activity after a forceful stop at the beginning of the year, that local and regional government leaders, as well as partners, feel that we Municipl at a foundational moment.
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The shared sense of purpose is inspiring our renewed strategic priorities, that are geared towards embracing Generation Equality, defining a new ecological reality, and Role Of Partnering With Municipal Councils toward a new generation of rights and renewed inclusive multilateralism. This is the reason behind the development of a far-reaching Pact for the Futurea pact that goes beyond mayors and towards human and planetary commitment. It will be powered by solidarity, equality, culture and accountable institutions that leave no-one and no place behind. The leadership of the municipal movement is convinced that the fruits of their discussions and shared experiences should feed into and shape global agendas, and this Pact is set to reflect the shared principles, values, and aspirations of our communities, and truly go beyond international agreements. The Pact will urge the international community to go further and will show the commitment and the capacity of all actors.

This pact for the future will need to bring all stakeholders together, to bring about the necessary actions that will take Partnerinh to ensure a future for the younger generations, reflecting on our shared commitments gearing towards the th anniversary of the United Nations, and truly build a world that leaves no one and no place behind. The Pact will be made up of three different elements around which the discussion was organized. Mohamed Boudra.
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Each of these segments included the views of mayors and political representatives members of the World Council, as well as partners from the civil society, Academia, and other stakeholders who aimed at bringing forward their views and their commitments towards the transformation of the planet and carrying out the Pact. A total of 23 speakers took the stage at the business session.

Throughout the debateparticipants argued for the need to redesign the multilateral system to include communities, re-evaluating the relationships with the United Nations and the role of local governments in international policy processes, and delivering a people-centred recovery to the pandemic through mainstreaming culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable Municjpal. Biodiversity, ecosystems and production and consumption patterns need to be transformed. It will guide us to achieve the SDGs and Paris agreement.

We must think about the governance model: we need doors to be opened to us, we need a seat at the decision-making table to ensure the provision of public services. President Mohamed Boudra closed the session addressing the importance of the Pact for the Future as the main axis of the world organization to tackle the inequalities that have been exacerbated during the pandemic and ensuring that it is remains an important tool for our Roel.
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More information:. Read the full coverage of our World Council again here! World Council. All rights reserved.]
It was specially registered to participate in discussion.
Many thanks for the information, now I will know.