Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of -

Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of

Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of - idea)))) can

Suhlim Hwang, Jennifer L. Allen , Theodora Kokosi, Elisabeth Bird. Request copy. N2 - Background. Callous-unemotional CU traits are related to low achievement but not to deficits in verbal ability, commonly regarded as a major risk factor for poor academic outcomes in antisocial youth. This suggests that CU traits may have utility in explaining heterogeneous risk pathways for poor school performance in antisocial children. Reduced sensitivity to teacher discipline has been suggested as a potential explanation for the association between CU traits and low achievement, given its importance in facilitating engagement in learning. This study is the first to examine punishment insensitivity as a potential mechanism explaining the relationship between CU traits and poor achievement. The current study investigated the indirect pathway from CU traits via the predictor of punishment insensitivity to English, Maths and Science grades. We conducted mediation analysis within a structural equation modelling framework. Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of.

Cruz, Yves Justin C. Diocareza, Darwin Joseph V.

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Marquez, Samwell Kervy A. Masbate, Kristine Gay A. A habit is defined as a planned schedule done regularly, while to study is to gain knowledge. Therefore, study habits are done regularly in order to expand learning. It is the way how students accomplish their homework and how they prepare for an exam. This also presents how many hours the students are studying, how they prepare for an exam, and what is the comfortable place and time for them to study in order to show if these factors are contributors in attaining better academic performance.

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A survey questionnaire that is composed of 8 questions related to the topic was given to 50 second year IT students in Far Eastern University — East Asia College. The data gathered in the survey includes the midterm and final grades of the students which shows how they performed during those periods. After the survey, the researchers found Relafionship that most of the students spent 1 to 2 hours in studying yet, they still accumulated passing grades in the midterm period, and they even got better marks in the final period of the previous term. From the given data, students have different ways on how they will prepare for an upcoming test.

Most of them prefer to be alone. The comfortable place for them to study has also something to do in order for them to attain good academic performance.

1 Introduction

Great number of the respondents answered that they study inside their bedroom and they are at ease to study during evening from pm to pm. One of the survey questions is how the students spend their vacant time. According to the collected data, most of the respondents play which includes playing computer games, playing guitar, playing just for fun, and so on. Next to that is surfing the net which includes visiting social networking ites such as facebook, etc.


It is being observed that most of the students spend their vacant time in front of the computer which is a common scenario nowadays. The last question asks the respondents opinion whether their study habits help them achieve good academic performance or not. Good grades can be achieved by proper study habits. It s not necessary that students should study for a long period of time because the amount of time spent for studying does not mean that students can already pass Stueents their subject. Some students find difficulties in some, so they pay more attention to it that consumes much of their time.

Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of

In order to overcome those difficulties, they have their own ways on studying for them to understand their lessons. Time and place are also factors to be considered in studying. Good place and right time make the students comfortable and study with ease. It is not only about acquiring knowledge, Academkc down notes during discussions, answering exam, passing in the test, or even attaining good grades; but also it is also about teaching the students how to be independent in the real life.

Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of

Finding solutions in the given problems happen in the real life. Projects, assignments, and exams that come at the same time also take place in the real world. These things train students to decide what to do, what are the things that should be paid attention first, what comes next and what will be the last priority.

Someday education will be the only one they have in hand in order to become successful person. It will be their weapon to overcome those obstacles they might encounter along the journey of their lives. In order to acquire better education, students should focus on studying no matter how hard it is.

Relationship Between Students And Academic Performance Of

There are times that they might find difficulties, but there is always ways to surpass those trials. It can help them in studying a lot. It is a strategy on how the students acquire knowledge effectively.]

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