President Truman And Lyndon B Johnson -

President Truman And Lyndon B Johnson.

And while you may be well-versed in textbook facts about each president, you may have never heard of some of their pet peeves, quirks, and pastimes.

President Truman And Lyndon B Johnson

For example, did you know Abraham Lincoln was a near-undefeated wrestler? And Calvin Coolidge, our 30th president, liked having his scalp massaged with petroleum jelly while he enjoyed breakfast in bed? No one will ever outrank George Washington. InCongress passed a law making Washington General of the Armies, a rank that will never be surpassed. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were best buds until political rivalry ensued. Thomas Jefferson could have been a meteorologist had the gig as president fell through. He recorded the temperature in his personal meteorological journal twice a day, once in the early morning and once in the late afternoon.

President Truman And Lyndon B Johnson

Jefferson not only observed temperature ranges and disparities, he also tracked precipitation patterns. James Madison, who helped create the U. Constitution by writing the influential Federalist Papers, was actually opposed to the Bill of Rights initially because he thought the amendments were unnecessary.


As special envoy to Trumsn, President Truman And Lyndon B Johnson traveled there in in an attempt to persuade Spain to cede the territory of what is now present-day Florida to the United States. He made his journey from Paris to Madrid in a unconventional way -- by mule. Unfortunately, not even his arrival by mule could win over the Spanish. It was a common way to bathe in rivers during that era. Evidently, a female gossip columnist sat on his Presidentt during one of his morning dips, and she refused to give them to him until he agreed to an interview. Andrew Jackson may just be the most violent presidents of all time. Born in in the backcountry of what would now be one of the Carolinas, Jackson turned out to be a very intelligent, yet terribly insecure man.

He often participated in fights, and in one such instance, he killed a man in a duel for insulting his wife Rachel. Have you ever thought about the origin of some common-day terms?


His supporters used to shorten this to OK during rallies -- and the rest is history. Supporters of William Henry Harrison used his image as a rough and ready pioneer in advertisements for his presidential campaign in as a candidate for the Whig Party.

He also campaigned for himself, which was unheard of at the time. John Article source faced impeachment -- by his own party, the Whigs. After he became president -- upon the death of William Henry Harrison in -- Tyler was opposed to the Whigs' legislative ambitions, including the creation of a national bank. The impeachment attempt failed in and Tyler served out his term. James Polk and his wife did not go down in history for being the life of the party. In fact, they were quite the opposite.]

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