Political Satire Political Humor - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Political Satire Political Humor Political Satire Political Humor.

The Importance Of Political Satire

By Kathy Carpenter. We've had a lot of thoughts over the past few weeks to do with the election, which continues to plague us. Now you can enjoy an Oval Office farce and Thanksgiving, as we give thanks to have a spark of theatre while we continue to endure these unprecedented times. Although the theme touches on current situations, it brings us the humor, lightness and whimsy we need.

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The show has strong language, and runs about two hours, with a five minute intermission which we do need when watching these longer zoom sessions. His chances of winning are looking grim. He's desperate and the problems challenging him in the moment leads him to some outrageous choices. Austin does a tremendous job of leading the cast, with Jeremy Schaeg a strong sidekick as the President's right hand man. Director Tyler Hewes does an amazing job.

Political Satire Political Humor

This was actually the biggest cast I've seen for a Zoom production, featuring five actors all in different locations. They have one problem.

Political Satire Political Humor

Even though the play is digital and they can't literally see the audience, they can see how many many are showing up. Not enough. Why not spend a couple hours supporting them from the comfort of your home? If this type of show is your thing, you won't regret the entertainment. There are two more opportunities to see November. Saturday November Political Satire Political Humor and 28 7 p. Link your tickets today at TrinityTTC. Skip to main content. Printer-friendly version November Articles.

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