Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline -

Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline

Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline Video

How to create an outline for your research paper Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline

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Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in February Developed in response to the Great Recession Outlin, the primary objective of this federal statute was to save existing jobs and source new ones as soon as possible.

Other objectives were to provide temporary relief programs for those most affected by the recession and invest in infrastructure, education, health, and renewable energy. Surveys of economists show overwhelming agreement that the stimulus reduced unemployment. The politics around the stimulus was very contentious.

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On the right, it spurred the Tea Party movement and may have contributed to Republicans winning the House in the midterms. Both the House and the Senate versions of the bills were primarily written by Democratic Congressional committee leaders and their staffs. Because work on the bills started before President Obama officially took office on January 20,top aides to President-Elect Obama held multiple meetings with committee leaders and staffers. On January 10, source, President-Elect Obama's administration released a report [10] that provided Pdoject preliminary analysis of the impact to jobs of some of the prototypical recovery packages that were being considered. The House version of the bill, H.

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On January 23, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said that the bill was on track to be presented to President Obama for him to sign into law before February 16, On January 28,the House passed the bill by a — vote. The Senate version of the bill, S. It was sponsored by Harry Reidthe Majority Leaderco-sponsored by 16 other Democrats and Joe Liebermanan independent who caucused with the Democrats. Republicans proposed several amendments to the bill directed at increasing the share of tax cuts and downsizing spending as well as decreasing the overall price.

Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline

The Senate voted, 61—36 with 2 not voting on February 9 to end debate on the bill and advance it to the Senate floor to vote on the bill itself. Many provisions were set to expire in two years.

Phi 105 Week 8 Final Project Outline

Congressional negotiators said that they had completed the Conference Report on February The Report with final handwritten provisions was posted on a House website that evening. The Senate passed the bill, 60—38, with all Democrats and Independents voting for the bill along with three Republicans.]

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