Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The - consider, that

Oceans are the largest water bodies on the planet Earth. Ocean pollution , also known as marine pollution , is the spreading of harmful substances such as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean. Since oceans provide the home to a wide variety of marine animals and plants, it is the responsibility of every citizen to play his or her part in making these oceans clean so that marine species can thrive for a longer period of time. Mining for materials such as copper and gold is a major source of contamination in the ocean. For example, copper is a major source of pollutant s in the ocean and can interfere with the life cycles of numerous marine organisms and life. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers applied by farmers inland, for example, end up in local streams, rivers, and groundwater and are eventually deposited in estuaries, bays, and deltas. Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The Video

Ocean Pollution Harming Humans

Emphasizing its importance, World Ocean Day is celebrated every year on June 8. Most of the pollution starts either through the land, air, or water.

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Preventing these forms of pollution, in turn, helps the ocean. Ocean pollution is the introduction of toxic materials into ocean waters. Pollution due to man-made and natural activities is affecting marine ecosystems throughout the world. Hence, there is a need to prevent ocean pollution. There are several causes of ocean pollution.

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The

The leading causes include:. The levels of atmospheric gases are increasing due to various types of pollutions. Therefore, the oceans are becoming more acidic. These may in turn affect the life of coral reefs and shellfish organisms.

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The

Eutrophication most commonly arises from the oversupply of nutrients. Nitrogen and phosphorus are to be watched out in particular. In fact, their presence leads to the overgrowth of plants and algae in aquatic ecosystems. This can be due to various types of run-offs into the ocean. Chemicals from industries are major pollutants.

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Fertilizer industries mainly contribute to this. Many industries dump their waste materials and chemicals into the ocean waters.

Ocean Pollution And Its Effects On The

These pollute the ocean by altering the pH level of the waters.]

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