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The Economist is an international weekly newspaper printed in magazine-format and published digitally that focuses on current affairsinternational business, politics, and technology.

My Philosophy Of Education Rita Pierson An

Based in LondonEngland, the newspaper is owned by The Economist Groupwith core editorial offices in the United States, as well as across major cities in continental Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Intheir average global print circulation was over , while combined with their digital presence, runs to over 1. Across their social media platforms, it reaches an audience of 35 million, as of The newspaper has a prominent focus on data journalism and analysis over original reportingto both criticism and acclaim.

My Philosophy Of Education Rita Pierson An

Founded inThe Economist was first circulated by Scottish economist James Wilson to muster support for abolishing the British Corn Laws —46a system of import tariffs. Over time, the newspaper's coverage expanded further into political economy and eventually began running articles on current events, finance, commerce, and British politics. Throughout the mid- to late 20th century, it greatly expanded its layout and format, adding opinion columns, special reports, political cartoonsreader letterscover stories, art critique, book reviews, and technology features.

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The paper is often recognizable by its fire-engine-red nameplate and illustrated, topical covers. Individual articles are written anonymously, with no bylinein order for the paper to speak as one collective voice. The paper is supplemented by its sister lifestyle magazine,and a variety of podcasts, films, and books. The editorial stance of The Economist primarily revolves around classicalsocialand most notably, economic liberalism.

Since its founding, it has supported radical centrism My Philosophy Of Education Rita Pierson An, favoring policies and governments that maintain centrist politics. The newspaper typically champions neoliberalismparticularly free marketsfree tradefree immigrationderegulationand globalisation. Despite a pronounced editorial stance, it is seen as having little reporting biasrigorous fact checking and strict copy editing.

Notte Europea dei Ricercatori

The Economist was founded by the British businessman and banker James Wilson into advance the repeal of the Corn Lawsa system of import tariffs. Wilson described it as taking part in "a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress", a phrase which still appears on its masthead as the publication's mission. Inthe paper's circulation rose to 6, In Piersin, it underwent its first major redesign.]

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