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One-day races and Classics. Gregory James LeMond born June 26, is an American former professional road racing cyclistentrepreneur, and anti-doping advocate. A two-time winner of the Road Race World Championship and and a three-time winner of the Tour de France, andLeMond is considered by many to be the greatest American cyclist of all time. LeMond began his professional cycling career in Inhe became the first American male cyclist to win the Road World Championship. LeMond won the Tour de France in ; he is the first non-European professional cyclist to win the Tour.

My Family s Case Of John Greg

He was accidentally shot with pellets and seriously injured while hunting in Following the shooting, he underwent two surgeries and missed the next two Tours. At the Tourhe completed an improbable comeback to win in dramatic fashion on the race's final stage. My Family s Case Of John Greg successfully defended his Tour title the following year, becoming one of only seven riders to win three or more Tours.

He was the first professional cyclist to sign a million-dollar contract and the first cyclist to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated. During his career, LeMond championed several technological advancements in pro cycling, including the introduction of aerodynamic "triathlon" handlebars and carbon fiber bicycle frames[3] which he later marketed through his company LeMond Bicycles. His other business interests have included restaurants, real estate, and consumer fitness equipment. LeMond was born in Lakewood, California [5] and was raised in the Washoe Valleya ranch country on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range between Renoand the family home about 2.

My Family s Case Of John Greg

LeMond grew up living an active, outdoor life. Hiking, hunting, skiing and flyfishing were boyhood pastimes. A hyperactive youngster, LeMond believes these outdoor activities helped keep him out of trouble. I had trouble focusing in school.

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Parents and educators then did not have the skill set to diagnose and cope with what we know now was a classic case of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD. ADHD certainly was not the frequently medicated childhood disease it is today. My triumph over the symptoms was found atop Csae thin tires over many dusty miles.

My Family s Case Of John Greg

It's the inability to sit down [and listen] to something you are not really interested in and absorb it. If they are interested in it, people with ADD excel in really good ways. When I got into cycling I would say the sport itself took a fog off my brain.

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I was able to absorb stuff I read. It changed my life. Greb soon biked almost daily to high school. He often rode home from Wooster, taking a route over Mt. Rose, along to Incline Village, then south on Hwy 28, then downhill to Carson City, then to his home.]

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