Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method -

Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method Video

Timothy Edgar: Are We Being Spied on? The NSA and Mass Surveillance Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method

Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method - will

Mass surveillance is the intricate surveillance of an entire or a substantial fraction of a population in order to monitor that group of citizens. Depending on each nation's laws and judicial systems, the legality of and the permission required to engage in mass surveillance varies. It is the single most indicative distinguishing trait of totalitarian regimes. It is also often distinguished from targeted surveillance. Mass surveillance has often been cited as necessary to fight terrorism , prevent crime and social unrest , protect national security , and control the population. Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method

National security is like sausage-making. We might enjoy the tasty product, but want to look away from the manufacturing. We need to think critically about this, knowing we can do something to prevent it from happening again. Reports indicate Zhenhua provides services to the Chinese government. It may also provide services to businesses in China and overseas.

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Also, Beijing is unlikely to respond to expressions of outrage from Australia or condemnation by our government — especially amid recent sabre-rattling. Zhenhua is reported to have data on more than 35, Australians — a list saturated by political leaders and prominent figures. Names, birthdays, addresses, marital status, photographs, political associations, relatives and social media details are among the information extracted.

Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method

Source profiling might be systematic. It might instead be conducted on the basis of a specific industry, academic discipline, public prominence or perceived political influence. Still, details around the intelligence gathering elude us, so best practise for the public is to maintain as much online privacy as possible, whenever possible.

How sophisticated is the plot?

And what we do know came from a leak to a US academic who sensibly fled China infearing for his safety. Pervasive surveillance is now a standard feature of all major governments, which often rely on surveillance-for-profit companies.

Mass Surveillance Is Not A Justified Method

Governments in the West buy services from big data analytic companies such as Palantir. Take the bugging of the Timor-Leste government, a supposed friend rather than enemy. But this is probably less exciting than it sounds.]

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