Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism -

Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism Video

Jacinda Ardern says Christchurch mosque shootings were terrorist attack Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism.

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Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism

If you feel a ban was unfair or you have a problem with the mods, PM the modsdo not make a separate post to complain about Shoootings. The statement said that the executions were carried out at a prison in the southern Iraqi city of Nassiriya. It added that the death penalty was given to the perpetrators who were involved in two suicide attacks, which killed dozens of people the northern town of Tal Afar. The authorities did not reveal the identities of the executed convicts.

Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism

The Iraqi authorities have been conducting mass executions as part of its military campaign against the Daesh group, since to The campaign was highly supported by US forces. Amnesty International slammed Iraqi government for conducting mass executions in the name of justice and compromising the process though flawed trials leading to unfair convictions.

Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism

Though Iraq contested that their trials were fair. Retaliatory executions not only fail to deliver justice to the victims and to their families, they serve to reinforce perceptions of partial justice, at a time when the authorities are mum in regards to other serious violations such as torture and enforced disappearances that are still taking place across the country.

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Daesh fighters had taken over a third of Iraq inwith an aim to establish caliphate and were later defeated both there and in neighbouring Syria over the next three years. If they r really terrorists then yeah good let them get the punishment but why don't Iraq put hashd and other Irani terrorists behind the Ac and maybe same fate as other terrorists?? Come on I hope here Someday hashd, sad, hizb Al LAT and maliki gonna get what they deserve. Hashed protected you in till now, back then people were praising them for both bravery and sacrifice,why?

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They protected your family, rights, life, Honor, dignity and the list goes on, when it comes to political opinion you are entitled to it as it is your right which they protected with blood and bone, Shoogings have some respect for them! They didn't protect me. They just listened to the marji3eya not Mass Shootings An Act Of Terrorism went out to defend their home meaning their loyalty lies there.

They have Shootingz atteocities towards sunnis in the north accusing many of them of sheltering isis just an excuse to kill them. They have no love towards Iraq all they r care about is what almarje3 said and IF they love Iraq why don't they fight the Irani terror groups in Iraq? Riddle me that batman. They r as bad as the others as long as they call them selves heros or whatever titles they give them selves.

Don't come pointing a finger telling me they defended me or whatever. Let them go back to mama Iran cuz their marji3eya loves Iran more than its own country.

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Your in rage, are feelings anyway to talk about a subject as tender as this? I ask you if I were to give a poor man money for not because I care but because I want god to help me, did I not still help someone? Did I not use what Terroism gained from sweating in the sun to help someone, is that not good simply because I did not do it for him?]

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