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At first, cultivation theory began as a way to test the impact that all this television viewing had on viewers , particularly with regard to violence. The more media is consumed, the more the perceptions of people is thought to change. This leads to the idea of the " Mean World Syndrome ", which refers to the idea that long-term exposure of violent media will lead to a distorted view that the world seems more violent than it actually is. Cultivation theory was founded by George Gerbner , and was later expanded upon by George Gerbner and Larry Gross and is positivistic , meaning it assumes the existence of objective reality and value-neutral research. Cultivation theory suggests that exposure to media, over time, subtly "cultivates" viewers' perceptions of reality. Gerbner and Gross assert: "Television is a medium of the socialization of most people into standardized roles and behaviors. Its function is in a word, enculturation ". Though most researchers tend to focus on television as it is the most common form of media consumption in the world, Cultivation Theory has been shown to encompass many different forms of media, such as newspapers, film, and even photographs. This can apply anytime social observation occurs in any form outside a natural environment.Interesting: Mass Communication Theory
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Mass Communication Theory | 3 days ago · uwejhw "☟☟ Link Kindle Editon Mass Communication Theory Foundations, Ferment, and Future, 7th Edition book Book Directory PDF Click Link Below ☟☟: Click Her. 5 days ago · mass communication research and theory Sep 18, Posted By Patricia Cornwell Media TEXT ID d Online PDF Ebook Epub Library first addressed during the progressive era of the s as a response to new opportunities for elites to reach large audiences via the mass media of the time newspapers. 2 days ago · In a revised version of modernization theory, a shift has been detectable from support for the mass media to an almost blind faith in the potential of the new information and communication technologies – in what has been called ‘a neo-developmentalist view’ (Mosco, ). |
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What is MASS COMMUNICATION? What does MASS COMMUNICATION mean? MASS COMMUNICATION meaning Mass Communication TheoryInternational Communication. Modernization theory arose from the notion that international mass communication could be used to spread the message of modernity and transfer the economic and political models of the West to the newly independent countries Theoory the South.
This promedia bias was very influential and received support from international organizations such as UNESCO and by the governments in Communicaation countries. One of the earliest exponents of this theory was Daniel Lerner, a political science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose classic work in the field, The Passing of Traditional Society — the product of research conducted in the early s in Turkey, Mass Communication Theory, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iran — examined the degree to which people in the Middle East were exposed to national and international media, especially radio. Exposure Mass Communication Theory the media, Lerner argued, made traditional societies less bound by traditions and made them aspire to a new and modern way of life.
Modernization Theory
They need to encourage both personal and national aspirations. In the s, modernization theorists started to use the level of media development as an indicator of general societal development.

This top-down approach to communications, a one-way flow of information from government or international development agencies via the mass media to Southern peasantry at the bottom, was generally seen as a panacea for the development of the newly independent countries of Asia and Thekry. It failed to recognize that the creation of wealth on its own was insufficient: the improvement of life for the majority of the populations depended on the equitable distribution of that wealth and its use for the public good. It also failed to ask questions like go here for whom and who would gain or lose, ignoring any discussion of the political, social, or cultural dimensions of development In many Southern countries, income disparities in fact increased over the Mass Communication Theory thirty years — despite a growth in Mass Communication Theory.
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Moreover, the mass media were assumed to be a Mass Communication Theory force in the process of development, ignoring how the media are themselves products of social, political, economic and cultural conditions. In many developing countries economic and political power was and remains restricted to a tiny, often unrepresentative, elite, and the mass media play a key role in legitimizing the political establishment. Since the media had, and continue to have, close proximity to the ruling elites, they tend to reflect this view of development in the news. The international communication research inspired by the modernization thesis was very influential, shaping university communication programmes and research centres globally. However, the outcomes of this type of research in international communication can be useful in Mass Communication Theory the relationship of media growth to economic development, measured in terms of such indicators as sales of communication hardware and gross national product.
They are also useful in international promotion of advertising and marketing. It is important to understand the Cold War context in which modernization theory emerged, a time when it was politically expedient for the West to use the notion of modernization to bring the newly independent nations of Asia, the Middle East and Africa into the sphere of capitalism. It is now being accepted that some of modernization research was politically motivated. Given the prominence of radio propaganda during the s, this research could also be seen as an investigation of radio listening behaviour in a region bordering the Soviet Union.

What modernizers such as Lerner failed to comprehend was that the dichotomy of modern versus traditional was not inevitable. In addition, these cultures can also use modern communication methods to put their case across.
In the Islamic revolution in Iran, for example, radical groups produced printed material and audiocassettes and distributed them through informal networks to promote an anti-Western ideology based on a particular Islamic view of the world Mohammadi and Sreberny-Mohammadi, In Latin America most communication research, often funded by the US government, was led by proponents of the modernization thesis. However, since the gap between the rich and poor was growing, as elsewhere in the developing Mass Communication Theory, critics started to question the validity of the developmentalist project and raised questions about what it left out — the relationship between communication, power and knowledge and the ideological role of international organizational and institutional structures. They argued that modernization programmes were exacerbating the already deep social and economic inequalities in the developing countries and making them dependent on Western models of communication Mass Communication Theory.
Partly as a result of the work of Latin American scholars, the proponents of modernization in the West acknowledged that the theory needed reformulation.]

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