Malala Yousafzai s Life History -

Malala Yousafzai s Life History

Malala Yousafzai s Life History Video

MALALA YOUSAFZAI - Draw My Life Malala Yousafzai s Life History

Malala Yousafzai is a young Pakistani human rights activist who rose to fame after working with the BBC when she was only 11 years old. In addition, she is the youngest winner of the Nobel Prizes: she received her award at the young age of When she was just a teenager, she raised her voice against the Taliban's control over girls' education.

He openly criticized the Mapala decision not to allow the right to education for girls in his country. In addition to her actions as an activist, Yousafzai gained much greater fame after see more an assassination attempt when she was 15 years old.

Malala Yousafzai s Life History

The reason he won the Nobel Peace Prize was for his work on behalf of children's rights; the award was obtained in conjunction with Kailash Satyarthi. Malala Yousafzai was born in Swat, Pakistan, on July 12, Her father was a teacher and social activist, who from an early age encouraged his daughter to follow in his footsteps and become an activist.

Malala Yousafzai s Life History

Her father was also the founder and manager of a school in Swat that specialized in teaching girls and young women. Yousafzai studied at her father's school, where she stood out for having brilliant student grades.

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His life changed, however, when the Taliban invaded the Swat district in By then, the Swat Valley was just a major tourist destination in the country, but it quickly became a zone of extreme violence. The Taliban began to apply a series of extreme Islamic laws, led to the systematic destruction of educational centers specializing Malala Yousafzai s Life History teaching girls. In addition, women were excluded from important roles within society as a result of Taliban laws. Yousafzai's family fled the region to Yusafzai off the violence, but they returned as soon as tensions subsided in Swat.

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In lateher father took her to a local club where members of the press used to gather. Their goal was to publicly protest against Taliban actions related to girls' education. During this event, Yousafzai began to gain national recognition which was subsequently translated globally. She gave her first speech as an activist, which also revolved around the Taliban law against girls' education. The success of his speech was resounding; it was published throughout all of Pakistan. However, shortly after his speech, the Pakistani Taliban movement announced that all girls' schools in Swat would be destroyed.

Yousafzai, Malala, Lamb, Christina

Soon after, the Taliban closed all girls' schools in the region, destroying more than educational institutions in the process. By earlyshe became an amateur educator for a Pakistani social program. This program revolved around engaging young minds particularly school students to participate in social issues that concern the country through professional journalistic tools.

Malala Yousafzai s Life History

After his speech broadcast across the country, the British Broadcasting Company BBC contacted his father to request a blogger capable of describing life in Pakistan under the influence of the Taliban. Originally, the goal was not for Yousafzai to become a blogger for the BBC.]

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