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Jurisdiction APA Jurisdiction APA

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This article Jurisdiction APA to an understanding of why autocrats have accepted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Leveraging their ability to obstruct their own prosecution, autocrats have traded off the risk of unwanted prosecutions against the deterrent threat that prosecutions pose to political rivals and patrons of their enemies conspiring to oust them.

Jurisdiction APA

The risk of unwanted prosecutions and the court's deterrent threat both arise because ICC prosecutions credibly communicate guilt for international crimes to capital-disbursing democracies, which may, insofar as possible, use leader-specific economic statecraft to prevent the administration of foreign states by those whom the Jrisdiction signals are guilty of international crimes.

Analysis using fixed effects and matching shows that a greater reliance on capital publicly financed by democracies Jurisdiction APA the probability that https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/the-civil-war-and-its-effect-on.php state accepted the court's jurisdiction only when it was an autocracy ICC jurisdiction also lengthened the tenure of autocrats and reduced the severity of Jurisdiction APA conflict in autocracies.

Copyright: Copyright Elsevier B.

Jurisdiction APA

N2 - This article contributes to an understanding of why autocrats have accepted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. AB - This article contributes to an understanding of Jurisdiction APA autocrats have accepted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Barry Hashimoto.

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Political Science. Overview Fingerprint. Abstract This article contributes to an understanding of why autocrats Jurisditcion accepted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. Access to Document Link to publication in Scopus. Link to the citations Jurisdiction APA Scopus. International Organization74 2 In: International OrganizationVol.

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Hashimoto B. International Organization. Hashimoto, Barry. In: International Organization.]

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