How Does Not Play A Good Role -

How Does Not Play A Good Role

How Does Not Play A Good Role - are

Tabletop roleplaying games are a great way to have fun and socialize with friends. Because so much of the gameplay happens through player interactions and dice rolling, these are straightforward games to play over a video call. What they have in common is that players take on the role of a specific character. They then play through a story making decisions for that character as they go. In a tabletop RPG, this is all done through description. The players describe what their characters say and do. They describe the world, the nonplayer characters NPCs , and they plan out the story.

How Does Not Play A Good Role - curious question

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By using our site, you acknowledge that Plya have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games.

It only takes a minute to sign up. I have a level 6 player who wanted to play a lawful good aasimar paladin Oath of Devotion.

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There have been several events which I believe have led to their fallen state. The player agreed that they're ok with not being a paladin anymore.

How Does Not Play A Good Role

So I think that most paladins can either choose a new class or become an oathbreaker, if they break their oath. This character does not want to become an oathbreaker. They want to take a new class. The player doesn't want to change characters; I already suggested that.

How Does Not Play A Good Role

For example, should they lose all their paladin benefits skills, proficiencies, spells, etc. Or should they come in as a level 6 character their current level of the new class?

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Or should they be a level 6 paladin who can't do magic, and then they are forced to multiclass? This is also a notoriously DDoes player who likes to disregard rules that they don't like and make up new rules that fit them.

But I also can't kick them from the campaign so I'm trying to be flexible. There are currently no rules in any 5e book for retraining or changing any class features that a character already has. This means that you're in very definite make-it-up-as-you-go territory.

Work with this player. Talk to your player and make sure they're OK with you changing their character. Listen to their ideas about how it could fit into the story and become part of their character's development and growth. Be fair to your other players. Be open with the other players in that game so that they lPay what's How Does Not Play A Good Role, and make it clear that this is just how you're running the game, and not any kind of pandering to this player who likes to bend the rules. Let them know that the same sort of thing is available to them, if they wish. Let them rebuild in whichever way fits the theme. Work out what they want from their class.

How Does Not Play A Good Role

Do they want something similar to a paladin? Do they want more martial?]

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