How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny -

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Something is: How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

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IS VOTER SUPPORT A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE 4 days ago · Attention grabber Historical background Restate the question Key terms super claim 3 claims identified Category: Essays The question first appeared on Write My Essay The post How did the constitution guard against tyranny? Essay Dissertation Help appeared first on Write my Essay | I need help with my School Assignment. Looking for solution of [ ]. 4 days ago · How Does The Constitution Guard Against Tyranny Essay, social media as the new personal essay, characteristic of narrative essay, happy ending love story essay Hit it big with an ace paper. Order Now View Sample. 1 day ago · Tones in essay writing did Essay how tyranny about the constitution guard against balanced diet lifestyle essay! Examples of word essays. Examples of word essays. How to come up with a title for an essay, write outline for research paper%().
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How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

Constitutional Democracy Essay

Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. The Constitution helps keep our country in order in many ways. It has laws to keep us safe, it gives of the freedom of speech, and all of our basic rights. We also have to keep our government in balance. There are multiple reasons why our country is ruled by three branches of power. It is how our Constitution guards against tyranny.

How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

Tyranny is defined as harsh absolute power in the hands of one individual. In May55 delegates met in Philadelphia to fix the existing constitution, the Articles of Confederation.

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They decided to go throw out the Articles of Confederation and create a whole new document, calling it the Constitution. The Constitution guarded against tyranny in several ways such as federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and the equality of large and small states. The first thing that can guard against tyranny was federalism which is a system that divides power between a strong national government and smaller state governments. Some power is given to the states government, it is given to the central government, and is shared between the two governments.

For example, powers given to the central government are powers such as regular trade, conduct foreign relations, declare war, and make immigration laws.

How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny

Powers given to the states are powers such as to set up local governments, hold elections, regulate in-state businesses, and establish schools. Both central and state governments can set up courts, make and enforce laws, and borrow hte. This is how federalism protects against tyranny. The second guard against tyranny was separation of powers which means the power is separated into three branches. This is done so one person or branch of government cannot become too powerful.


These branches of power are separate and have their own distinct purpose or job. The executive branch consists of the President. The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court which can declare a presidents act as unconstitutional and can also declare a law as unconstitutional. This is how the separation of powers protects against tyranny.

How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny? (Dbq) Essay

The third guard against tyranny was checks and balances which means each branch can check on each other. This makes sure that one branch cannot have to much power. For example, congress can approve presidential nominations and impeach the President from office, but he or she can veto a law Consstitution by congress and can nominate judges.]

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