Gun Violence And The United States -

Gun Violence And The United States - think, that

Gun control and gun violence is an important and controversial issues facing Americans today. Here at Ultius, we will explore how, on one hand, proponents of gun ownership claim that gun regulation infringes on their civil liberties, whereas opponents of gun ownership point to the idea that a reduction in the availability of firearms would certainly reduce gun violence overall. In the United States there is a gun for every citizen with approximately million firearms held by citizens in their homes. While this right is considered fundamental, healthcare professionals are observing an alarming rate of death and injury based on gun violence. Further analysis of the data show that young people are several times more likely to be killed by a firearm in the United States than in any other industrialized country. The prevalence of these incidences are not new, they are continuing. In this sample research paper from Ultius, the phenomenon of the death and injury rate of citizens and young people is examined concluding that gun violence is a public health concern. On this particular issue, the second amendment is a barrier to the role of government. However, it is not insurmountable as more than two centuries of court cases have paved a way for balance between the right to bear arms and the health and safety of the community. This paper presents gun violence as a public health issue. Gun Violence And The United States

Gun Violence And The United States - would like

While overall crime rates and violent crime rates have been low across the United States, homicides and shootings have been on the rise. Chicago, New York, Atlanta, D. Philadelphia, Houston, Charlotte and Minneapolis are just a few of the major cities that have seen a jump in homicides and shootings. However, it is not only major cities being affected. Mid-size cities are also being affected and seeing an increase in gun violence. Gun violence has been steadily increasing in America and , in particular, has been exceptionally violent. Cities across the United States have seen an influx in gun violence cases amid the global pandemic and police brutality protests. The victims of gun violence are generally adults, but children and teenagers are becoming accidental victims as well. Gun Violence And The United States

A Civil Right

For the second time in as many months, we have watched in horror as a single gunman senselessly massacred scores of innocent people and injured many more. While our hearts and prayers certainly go out to those affected by this wanton violence, our thoughts go toward finding solutions to reduce gun violence in the United States while respecting the Second Amendment. However, it is a failure of our leaders and our nation to sit idly by and accomplish nothing as dozens of people are killed in mass shootings. So, when is the time to address gun violence? The number of suicides by firearm totals about one Las Vegas shooting each day, according to Gun Violence And The United States from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In total, guns were responsible for 33, murders and suicides in — roughly the same number of people who were killed in traffic crashes that year.

We daresay that far more effort goes into reducing the number of traffic fatalities — building safer cars, improving roads and regulations, fighting drunk driving — than goes into addressing gun violence. What can be done to tackle this issue? Some suggest that we need more guns in the United States, which seems excessive when there are already Gun Violence And The United States guns to arm every one of the million men, women and children in the U. Research also shows that unarmed citizens intervened to stop mass shootings far more often than a civilian with a gun. We can also have a serious conversation about mental health. Mental illness obviously plays a role click a lot of gun violence, including the suicides, but merely remarking on the problem does nothing.

If mental health is a national priority, it should be treated as such in programs like health care.

Gun Violence And The United States

Also, people whose mental state poses a threat to themselves or others should be restricted from possessing firearms. The same could be said of people who have been convicted of violent felonies or have demonstrated domestic violence.

Gun Violence And The United States

That underscores a point oft made by gun-rights activists — we need to enforce the gun laws already on the books. We support the position of Congressman-elect John Curtis, who called for starting by finding consensus on a small part of the gun issue and working from there. We believe there are Violfnce that can be taken to address the problem that minimizes any infringement on the Second Amendment. That may be the case, but many changes would be worthwhile if they can help save some of the 33, people who lose their lives every year because of guns. Herald editorial: Take the first step to address gun violence.

Gun violence as a public health issue and the Second Amendment

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