Exploring The Value Performance Coaching - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Exploring The Value Performance Coaching Video

Performance Coach: The One Minute Employee Coaching Session

Exploring The Value Performance Coaching - something

I was listening to an interesting interview recently where an Olympian described her experience of winning a gold medal. She noted the sacrifices it took to train year-round, giving up on social activity and potential professional opportunities. Likely these are not surprises to anyone who follows elite athletes. The level of commitment necessary is intense to say the least. But what really struck me was how she responded when questioned about what it felt like to be on the podium to receive her medal. I caught my own breath at that moment, because it made far too much sense. Here she was, describing what it was like to be the champion on the biggest stage. Most of us would assume the incredible high of accomplishment. But that was not her reality. This woman had made difficult decisions, chose a path few can comprehend, and tapped into a strong support network to accomplish her dream. Exploring The Value Performance Coaching

Potential Client: What is Coaching? Me: Well, you tell me what part of your life you want to change and I will help you explore your options.

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Potential Client: How will you do that? Me: By asking you lots questions and letting you come up with the best solution that will suit your life.

Exploring The Value Performance Coaching

Potential Client: Can you tell me what to do? Me: That is true, however you might have many options going through your mind and I will help you make sense of them.

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Want to find out more how coaching can help you? Book 15 minute discovery session to see if we can work together info wttraining.

Exploring The Value Performance Coaching

After our 15 minute discovery session you decide whether you want to work with me. I won't be offended if you don't feel I'm the right fit for you as every person is different Esploring even though coaching has similar structure it is important two people can work together to be able to achieve the best results. Depending on your requirements for the coaching we will decide which package will suit you best.

Exploring The Value Performance Coaching

For Continues monthly support and your requirements contact me on Online Courses. Me: By asking you lots questions and letting you come up with the best solution that will suit your life Potential Client: Can you tell me what to do?

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