Ethical And Socially Responsible Business Practice Video
Ethics and Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthical And Socially Responsible Business Practice - manage
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We take our role as a business and employer seriously and have a clear strategy on how best to deliver this proactively and responsibly; with the aim of exceeding ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations. We are also promoting environmental awareness amongst partners and staff.
We actively encourage professional development and support employee health and wellbeing. We actively support the communities in which we operate. Our goal is to ensure that these commitments, reinforced by our values, are embedded in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners.
We want to have a positive impact on wider society and below are just a few examples of the things we do to contribute to our communities:. There are 3 main strands to our CSR activities. Our Contribution Our goal is to ensure that these commitments, reinforced by our values, are embedded in our day-to-day working practices with all our customers, colleagues and partners.
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