Essay on Marxist Theory Video
A Brief Introduction to MarxismEssay on Marxist Theory - for
In analyzing this question, the paper particularly focuses on liberal, constructivist, and Marxist IR theories, discusses the liberalist account on warlords as non-state actors, identifies the paradoxical nature of liberalist attempts, scrutinizes constructivism, Marxism, and their stances on the perception of warlords, and examines a case study to find the pragmatic implications. On the other hand, some authors define warlords as leaders who are autonomous from governmental command and who build and organize a personal militia to preserve their control; moreover, it is suggested that the key difference between a warlord and a businessperson is that the latter never uses force to attain his goals, whilst the former uses aggression to accumulate wealth. The wealth of the warlords hardly provides any benefit to the inhabitants, and they rather terrorize the citizens who refuse to offer any mitigating benefits; nevertheless, certain warlords create proto-states that have civilian governments and proffer ad hoc services, which in turn often give them partial legitimacy. At this stage of the paper, through the use of critical arguments to explain the theories, it shall be considered whether at all the warlords characterize a new type of resistance to the Western attempts of imposing neo-imperialism over the weaker or warring states. Consequently, warlords have a noteworthy role not just in directing or controlling the extent of the conflicts, but also in creating a barrier to the admittance of external imperialists because they have strong authority on the natural resources of the locality, which allows them to gather more assets than the external aggressors or existing national leaders Baylis et al. MacKinlay strongly promoted the idea that even though warlords make illegitimate use of their authority exploiting the wealth of the warring states through unpleasant actions and misdeeds; these local leaders carry out significant social functions, which, for example, include endorsing the religion, preserving the local culture, and safeguarding certain features of the primeval contour of the neighborhood At the same time, the author further added that the preservation of the social features of the locality in this way often acts as the key resistance against the western neo-imperialists to poke into the territorial integrity and exert their control.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Essay on Marxist Theory](
To access the previous legacy system use the following link. This assignment requires you to use one of the critical criminological theories: Marxist, Feminist, Critical Race or post-structural theories or a Essay on Marxist Theory of these theories intersectionality as your analytical framework to critically analyze a topic related to policing. You must pick one topic or one case of interest and ask yourself the following questions: What is the role of race, class and gender and other forms of inequality and privilege coming together and intersect in practices of policing?
Who is the target?

What are the concrete practices? What is the goal? Do these policing practices address root causes of that particular problem? What is the impact of this form of policing on individuals, communities and society as a whole? You can analyse specific police practices, cases or topics to analyse.
You are free to choose any topic or case or practice. Use a Essay on Marxist Theory of 5 academic resources to analyze the topic of your choice. Analytical Skills: Students will have to show that they can apply an intersectional analysis to a topic related to policing. Integration of Course Material: For your analysis you should consider the course material as your analytical helpers.
You can pick the course material that is most helpful to analyze your topic and useful to your argument. Use the course material to develop a clear argument and to document the evidence in support of your argument. You also have to use academic literature specific to your topic. Writing Skills: Your essay article source have an introduction. An introduction includes a paragraph introducing the topic or problem with an articulation of a central thesis. The conclusion should be a summary of your findings and can include questions or concerns arising from your investigation. Your writing should be clear, with correct grammar and sentence structure. Your language should be precise. Your argument should be concise, coherent and logical. The essay should be a maximum Essay on Marxist Theory pages wordsdouble spaced, 12pt.
Marxist Theory And Psychoanalytic Theories
Students are expected Essay on Marxist Theory consistently use APA reference style. Please include a front page with a title, name and student number. More detailed instructions about the essay will be given during a lecture. Students can see me during my office hours or by appointment to discuss their individual essays. Hand in a hard copy of Essaay assignment in person at the beginning of the lecture. No term work will be accepted by fax or e-mail. Always keep a copy of any course work submitted as well as your rough notes. I will mark all assignments as soon as possible. No marks will be given out over phone or e-mail.
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Introduction: here you lead the reader into your topic or by providing facts or a historical background, then you can let the reader know what kind of analytical framework you are using.
Or how race, gender or class or homophobia may underwrite policing practices and its consequences. Think about individual, community responses.

Conclusion: Summarize your findings,post questions that could not be answered, make personal comments…. November 21, References : One reference must be from a medical textbook.]
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