![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Effectiveness Of Highly Sequenced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy](https://www.cbtcognitivebehavioraltherapy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Effectiveness-CBT.jpg)
Shyness and social anxiety are common emotions experienced by children and teenagers. When intense, they often result in the avoidance of social situations and can significantly impair a child's functioning and emotional development. Left untreated in its clinical state, Social Anxiety Disorder SAD is a serious condition often lasting into adulthood. This therapist guide presents a group treatment program for adolescents aged 13 to 18 that uses well-tested CBT techniques.
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In this program, groups of 5 to 7 youths with excessive Sequences or social anxiety learn how to cope in social situations. Cognitive restructuring exercises help participants understand their anxiety and re-examine thinking that may contribute to their distress. Other exercises teach social and problem solving skills, and also increase self-esteem and assertiveness.

Behavioral exposure exercises give participants the opportunity to practice these skills by systematically confronting them in feared or avoided social situations. This guide offers practical instruction on how to apply this program, as well as information on the theory and research on which it is based. It provides session outlines for adolescent group therapy, including sample dialogues, role-playing scenarios, and homework assignments.
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It also addresses individual therapy and provides tips for conducting the treatment with children aged 8 to Theapy Keywords: shynesssocial anxietychildrenadultsnegative self-conceptdepressiongroup settingcognitive-behavioral therapyCBT. Access to the complete content on Oxford Clinical Psychology requires a subscription or purchase.

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Anne Marie Albano and Patricia Marten DiBartolo
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