Do Girls Really Need A Perfect -

Do Girls Really Need A Perfect - pity, that

Ingrid is a former LA based celebrity skincare therapist, health and beauty expert who is now living back in her hometown of Sydney. She has a gorgeous studio in Bondi with a devoted list of Aussie celebrity clients. Ingrid explains that collagen is a fibrous protein that is found and manufactured in our dermis. Collagen is held together with elastin and connective tissues and it gives us that lovely plumping look and essential structural support that we all love! Lots of things affect the production of collagen including UV rays from the sun, poor diet sugar and poor lifestyle choices including alcohol and smoking.

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The Truth About Being A Girl Do Girls Really Need A Perfect Do Girls Really Need A Perfect

How much water should you drink a day?

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You probably know that it's important to drink plenty of fluids when the temperatures soar outside. But staying hydrated is a daily necessity, no matter what the thermometer says. Unfortunately, many of us aren't getting enough to drink, especially older adults. And that could be a problem if they're on a medication that may cause fluid loss, such as a diuretic," says Dr. Julian Seifter, a kidney specialist and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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Water keeps every system in the body functioning properly. If you don't drink enough water each day, you risk becoming dehydrated. Warning signs of dehydration include weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, or urine that's dark in color. The daily four-to-six cup rule is for generally healthy people. It's possible to take in too much water if you have certain health conditions, such as thyroid disease or kidney, liver, or heart problems; or if you're taking medications that make you retain water, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDsopiate pain medications, and some antidepressants.

Do Girls Really Need A Perfect

How much water a day should you drink if you fit into that category? There's no one-size-fits-all answer. Seifter says water intake must be individualized, and you should Girlls with your doctor if you are not sure about the right amount for you. But even a healthy person's water needs will vary, especially if you're losing water through sweat because you're exercising, or because you're outside on a hot day.

Do Girls Really Need A Perfect

If you're wondering how much water you should drink on those occasions, speak with your doctor, but a general rule of thumb for healthy people is to drink two to three cups of water per hour, or more if you're sweating heavily. It's not just water that keeps you hydrated. All beverages containing water contribute toward your daily needs. And it's a myth that caffeinated beverages or those containing alcohol are dehydrating because they Reakly you urinate. They do, but over the course of the day, the water from these beverages still leads to a net positive contribution to total fluid consumption.]

Do Girls Really Need A Perfect

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