Apologise, but: Current Capability Set Fielding Field
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A railgun is a linear motor device, typically designed as a weapon, that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles.

The projectile normally does not contain explosives, instead relying on the projectile's high speedmassand kinetic energy to inflict damage. It is based on principles similar to those of the homopolar motor. Current Capability Set Fielding Field ofrailguns have been researched as weapons utilising electromagnetic forces to impart a very high kinetic energy to a projectile e. For a similar projectile, the range of railguns may exceed that of conventional guns. The destructive force of a projectile depends on its kinetic energy and mass at the point of impact and due to the potentially high velocity of a railgun-launched projectile, their destructive force may be much greater than conventionally launched projectiles of the same size.
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The absence of explosive propellants or warheads to store and handle, as well as the low cost of projectiles Currejt to conventional weaponry, come as additional advantages. Any trade-off analysis between electromagnetic EM propulsion systems and chemical propellants for weapons applications must also factor in its durability, availability and economics, as well as the novelty, bulkiness, high energy demand and complexity of Current Capability Set Fielding Field pulsed power supplies that are needed for electromagnetic launcher systems.
In addition to military applications, NASA has proposed to use a railgun to launch "wedge-shaped aircraft with scramjets " to high-altitude at Mach 10, where they will then fire a small payload into orbit using conventional rocket propulsion. Alternatively, very long rail systems may be used to reduce the required launch acceleration.

The railgun in its simplest form differs from a traditional electric motor [7] in that no use is made of additional field windings or permanent magnets. This basic configuration is formed by a single loop of current and thus requires high currents e. A relatively common variant of this configuration is the augmented railgun in which the driving current is channelled through additional pairs of parallel conductors, arranged to increase 'augment' the magnetic field experienced by the moving armature.
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In electric motor terminology, augmented railguns are usually series-wound configurations. Some railguns also use strong neodymium magnets with the field perpendicular to the current flow to increase the force on the projectile.

The armature may be an integral part of the projectile, but it may also be configured to accelerate a separate, electrically isolated or non-conducting projectile. Solid, metallic sliding conductors are often the preferred form of railgun armature but plasma or 'hybrid' armatures can also be used.]
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