Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up -

Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up Video

Fixing the childhood obesity epidemic - Matt Young - TEDxStanleyPark Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up.

Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up - sorry, that

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Prader—Willi syndrome PWS is a genetic disorder caused by a loss of function of specific genes on chromosome Most are unable to have children.


Prader—Willi syndrome has no cure. PWS affects between 1 in 10, and 1 in 30, people. PWS has many signs and symptoms. The symptoms can range from poor muscle tone during infancy to behavioral problems in early childhood. Some symptoms that are usually found in infants, besides poor muscle tone, are a lack of eye coordination, some are born with almond-shaped eyes, and due to poor muscle tone, some may not have a strong sucking reflex. Their cries are weak, and they have difficulty waking up.

Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up

Another sign of this condition is a thin upper lip. More aspects seen in a clinical overview include hypotonia source abnormal neurologic function, hypogonadism, developmental and cognitive delays, hyperphagia and obesity, short stature, and behavioral and psychiatric disturbances.

Holm et al. Individuals with PWS are at risk of learning and attention difficulties.

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Curfs and Fryns conducted research into the varying degrees of learning disability found in PWS. Children with PWS show an unusual cognitive profile. They are often strong in visual organization and perception, including reading and vocabulary, but their spoken language sometimes affected by hypernasality is generally poorer than their comprehension. A marked skill in completing jigsaw go here has been noted, [16] [17] but this may be an effect of increased practice.

Auditory information processing and sequential processing are relatively poor, as are arithmetic Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up writing skills, visual and auditory short-term memoryand auditory attention span. These sometimes improve with age, but deficits in these areas remain throughout adulthood. PWS may be associated with psychosis. PWS is frequently associated with a constant insatiable appetite, which persists no matter how much the patient eats, often resulting in morbid obesity. Caregivers need to strictly limit the patients' access to food, usually by installing locks on refrigerators and on all closets and cabinets where food is stored.

Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up

In the hypothalamus of people with PWS, nerve cells that produce oxytocina hormone thought to contribute to satiety, have been found to be abnormal. People with PWS have high ghrelin levels, which are thought to directly contribute to the increased appetite, hyperphagia, and obesity seen in this syndrome. The main mental health difficulties experienced by people with PWS Ie compulsive behaviour usually manifested in skin picking and anxiety.

Childhood Obesity Is The Constant Build Up

Several aspects of PWS support the concept of a growth hormone deficiency. Specifically, individuals with PWS have short stature, are obese with abnormal body composition, have reduced fat-free mass, have reduced lean body mass and total energy expenditure, and have decreased bone density. PWS is characterized by hypogonadism. This is manifested as undescended testes in males and benign premature adrenarche females.

Testes may descend with time or can be managed with surgery or testosterone replacement.


Adrenarche may be treated with hormone replacement therapy. PWS is commonly associated with development of strabismus. PWS is related to an epigenetic phenomenon known as imprinting. Normally, a fetus inherits an imprinted maternal copy of PW genes and a functional paternal copy of PW genes.]

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