![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Childhood Is Selective Mutism Sm](http://www.ispeak.org.uk/Images/awareness.png)
Childhood Is Selective Mutism Sm - agree
Child anxiety disorders tend to look a lot like their adult counterparts — children can experience Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and OCD in very similar ways to adults. This, however, is not always the case: sometimes anxiety in children presents very differently from the symptoms that we tend to see in adults. A prime example of this is Selective Mutism SM , an anxiety disorder in which a child has difficulty speaking to some people. One difference between SM and many other anxiety presentations is its selectivity. While someone with general anxiety is likely to experience symptoms in most setting, Selective Mutism, as its name implies, is selective. A child may speak comfortably and loudly at home with friends, for instance, but has difficulty speaking at all, or only whispers, when in a school setting — even when speaking to those same individuals to whom he or she speaks comfortably outside a school setting.Something: Childhood Is Selective Mutism Sm
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Imagine if every time you went to certain places or met new people, however kind they tried to be, you became so anxious that your fight or flight response kicked in, your vocal cords froze and you were unable to get a word out.
Selective Mutism Is A Changeable Anxiety Issue Defined By A Child 's Lack Of Talk
Imagine the rising feeling of panic and embarrassment as those around you looked on, Childhood Is Selective Mutism Sm or pressuring you to speak, yet the words still would not come. Eventually you become so afraid of the fear that you avoid situations where you expect to become anxious. This, for many people with selective mutism SMis their normal existence.
They want to speak, but cannot in many situations due to extreme anxiety — or they can only manage to say a very few words, at best, except in their comfort zone usually homewhere they speak normally. Most schools will have some children with SM. One of the biggest issues facing children and young people with SM is that this condition is often sadly misunderstood as a "choice", as being about control, or, in older youngsters, as an expression of sullen defiance. The "selective" part of the name, which often causes confusion, does not mean the child "selects" whom to speak to. It's a medical term that means "not pervasive"; learn more here other words, the child is not mute all the time, everywhere.
Selective Mutism Disorder
The good news is that SM can be overcome with help, particularly if it is recognised at a young age and appropriate interventions are introduced. Even for older young people and adults, there is still a lot that can be done, although the longer they have had SM, the more entrenched it is likely to be and the greater the likelihood that they will have developed other mental health problems, such as social anxiety. So, what in practical terms, can schools do? Firstly, get as informed as possible about SM so click you can put a plan of action into place. Ensure the parents or carers of the child are aware that their child is not speaking in school or Childhood Is Selective Mutism Sm and that they have access to information on SM, though you may find they already know more than you!
Check if your local authority has a care pathway for SM, and which agency takes responsibility, so you know who to contact, as regions within the UK vary as to their provision.
Event Information
Join a SM social media group for support and advice. SMIRA has a Facebook group for professionals, a general group and a group for teens and adults, and other organisations also have groups.

And do not assume that abuse is the cause of the mutism, although children with SM may be vulnerable to bullying because they cannot speak up to report it. There is increasing evidence that anxiety disorders have a biological basis arising from genetic, neurodevelopmental, temperamental and environmental factors. Out-of-the-ordinary events, such as starting school or changing class, may be sufficiently traumatic to a child with a predisposition to SM for it to kick in or worsen.

It is therefore particularly important to plan well for transition times and give children with SM plenty of advance warning of changes to the normal routine so accommodations can be made.]
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