Are: Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And
Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And | 46 |
Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And | 3 days ago · SHREVEPORT, La -- Child sex trafficking may seem like a national problem that happens in the largest cities, but it actually takes place much closer to home. “Human trafficking by definition is an adult that is in the sex industry through force, fraud, or coercion. A juvenile, anyone under the age of 18, that's involved in the sex industry in any way, shape or form is considered to be a. 4 days ago · Spiritual abuse and child trafficking. This online, half-day course examines the particular relationship between spiritual abuse and child trafficking. Participants will gain an understanding of the interlinkages between the two, their dynamics and effective responses to this particular issue. Child Trafficking and Exploitation in Tourism. 3 days ago · “Human trafficking of minors involves the child being manipulated or forced into some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of individuals are trafficked worldwide. The base human trafficking are the buyers, those charged with misdemeanors for solicitation of prostitution. |
Puritan Society Of The Salem Witch Trials | 550 |
Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And Video
’The Abolitionists’: Trained team rescuing child sex-traffic victims across the globeIt feels important to have a runway describing Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And this issue is so forbidden and extinguished from public discourse, and how successful the gaslighting is to distract humanity from connecting the dots and seeing it. The mainstream media mind control that is backed by the Power Elite and NAA forces aggressively use every psychological warfare tactic that they have at their disposal to attack and suppress the education of the public about this most dehumanizing and immoral crime against humanity — Human Trafficking. For a long while the Power Elite and Traffickiing criminal cabal families have used compartmentalized government institutions and transnational business models to hide their illicit activities by framing their business operations as legitimate and lawful, while making obscene profits on the slavery, ritual abuse, sexual exploitation and sale of human beings.
Deploying demoralization and dehumanization tactics against the masses generates mind control slaves, people that Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And everything that is being said by the authorities and the mainstream media. Thus, people are groomed to do what they are told. Those that control the media, control the spin of the narrative in order to hide the many crimes of the elites. This particular current flavor of targeted astral warfare for spreading the mind control infection passes into the collective consciousness and then pushes itself into the ascension-disclosure-spiritual communities. This further renders our group efforts wholly unproductive while we chase our tails in never ending circular debates between the most traumatized and wounded egos. The untamed negative ego and pain body uses the hit and run method for playing the role of chaos-disrupter, in which the groups pain body vulnerabilities are skillfully manipulated to spread victim programming and divide and conquer strategies.
Allowing ourselves to be emotionally manipulated through subconscious triggers by letting unhealed pain filter into our perceptions, weakens us in every way possible. By letting ourselves be spun out into destructive and divisive behaviors, we forfeit strong discernment and clarity, instead these uncontrolled impulses turn us into the hand puppet of the anti-human agendas. Thus, we have a most dire and grave problem in the truther and spiritual communities that threatens our individual and collective capacity to embody our higher expression and divine blueprint, to be an agent for spiritual consciousness transformation and disclosure. The spiritual warfare that humanity is facing now is a full-on attack aimed at the negative ego construct to incite our collective shadow and wounds, spinning people out of control and into paralyzing fears, unable to find their inner moral Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And or aligned spiritual direction.
This particular negative ego divide and conquer infection is spreading through the elevation of taking Brazil s President Dilma Rousseff Stalls Betting as a tool to inhibit discourse, the constant state of those people that are offended by others personal beliefs or honest expression, for the smallest of perceived infractions. Otherwise said it is the complete waste of productive mental energy that is being directed to minutia and focusing on unimportant issues that ultimately serve no one and go nowhere.
This wastes our time, resources and precious energy that could have been directed to unify productive community efforts. The political correctness and critical theory mind control operations that have been in use to groom emotionally wounded individuals on social media platforms, which comb the society and groups looking for the most minuscule and trivial of details to be offended by, has in my opinion, destroyed see more critical thinking and common-sense within a generation. This powerful mind control centralizes the negative ego as the ultimate authority in which to personalize anything and everything that it sees in the outer world, magnifying the echo chamber of those insulted and offended people that are reinforcing their wounded egos.
This military grade targeted mind control tactic primarily used on the Big Tech social media platforms and throughout the academic institutions has generated incredibly fragile minds, rewarded unstable and unethical personalities, while fueling misguided perceptions of classifications and division that are extremely harmful to the human soul and see more bodies.
Ending Human Trafficking
This insidious infection of political correctness and personal offense damages our ability to truly unite together and gain strength in numbers in order to purposefully bring to the unaware public the most critically important issues that humanity is facing at this time. Currently, we believe that the most pressing issue concerning the liberation of humanity is comprehending the massive scope and scale of Human Trafficking and child sex slavery that has been operating above the law throughout the globe. Until we can actually begin to educate ourselves and unravel this behemoth, humanity will never find freedom from their tyrannical oppressors. Humanity will need Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And come together beyond personal beliefs in order to disseminate, authenticate and observe factual evidence that has been hidden in the shadows through compartmentalization by the top corporate cabal members; child trafficking, practices of child sex ritual, child hunting, harvesting adrenochrome and group blood sacrifice, by coordinating and helping to bring these hidden subjects and truths into the light of day.

These are some of the main practices and ongoing goals of the anti-human forces and those that support them, those entities that despise humanity and consider us slaves. Thus, in regard to the emotionally Traffickin content in this newsletter, I ask each of you to feel into whether or not this topic is something you are ready for at this time. This is not for the faint of heart, it requires that we have worked our personal trauma pieces, have our compassion intact and are able to bear witness to this heart breaking hidden agenda. We need emotional adults in the spiritual community more than ever to recognize the importance of truthful information on the disclosure timeline, and to be willing to bear witness to what must be seen, heard, felt and directly experienced in order to know that that global Human Trafficking is very REAL.
Chlld is happening right under our noses, and most of us do not even know it exists all around us. The most important and persistent problem for all of humanity is to know that this must be revealed as fact and that it is a colossal monstrosity embedded in a complex web of global organizations that are operating covertly on an international scale. We can be of support to global awakening by seeing the truth of this matter and by intentionally Traffickingg and being willing to document evidence about Human Trafficking, helping to connect the dots of how it works in order to educate others about it.
The entire global socio-economic-political systems are being run by a small group of criminal psychopaths that hijacked global governmental and intelligence organizations long ago in order to compartmentalize layers of corporate hierarchy that perpetuate these crimes, utilizing massively profitable multinational business models for perpetrating global Human Trafficking, Human Sexual Slavery and the Harvesting of Children.

One of the things that is so hard for most people to comprehend, is that at the top the Controller pyramid, there is no rule of law and no accountability, these crimes are being committed at multinational levels and hidden behind the money laundering markets on Wall Street, while cover-ups are made by those in the top most management level positions in high governmental offices.
These horrific against children are being perpetrated at appalling levels and with impunity. This is because the Power Elite billionaire The Argument Against Hydraulic Fracturing crime families have had a few hundred years to rig the system in order for them to get away with these crimes through blackmail, bribery, SRA and having the unlimited power to make death threats for securing international business extortion deals Traffickig cannot be refused without ruining and extinguishing lives. Thus, at this time we must stay awake to learn and know more about the massive scope of this most heinous crime against all of humanity, and dig deeper within our spirituality to find our courage and bravery to Traffickong in the truth as One people.
At the very least to be willing to seek and know the truth in this matter beyond the mainstream mind control narratives and when in the uncomfortable process of that discovery, to intentionally choose harmlessness and peace Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And every interaction we have when discussing this matter with others. This requires that we take responsibility for healing ourselves so that we can free ourselves of the emotional wounds and delusions that cloud our thinking and discernment, instead choosing to seek truth above all, even when the truth is painful.
May we have the inner spiritual strength to embody the truth spirit so that Crimibal can genuinely overcome this global misery and end Human Trafficking, finding ways to be of service to Child Trafficking Is A Criminal Act And in productive and effective ways that genuinely help to support our spiritual communities and the world.
Prepare yourself for knowing more about this anti-human scourge and ask within if you are willing to stay awake through Trsfficking dark night to educate yourself, so that you can also join us to help put an end to all forms of Human Trafficking. The cruelty of the predators that despise humanity enough to carry out this genocidal enslavement agenda is unthinkable for most of us.]
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