Cell Phones in the Public Video
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The study is an update to an earlier meta-analysis published in in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Why the concerning connection? Cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a type of non-ionizing radiation.

In vitro studies show this kind of radiation can promote cancer by increasing oxidative stress and DNA damage and altering protein structure and expression. The researchers acknowledge that additional higher-quality studies are warranted to confirm their findings and provide stronger levels of evidence.
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But they also point to a current challenge for understanding the link between cell phone and cancer risk — namely, that many of the current studies investigating the association are lower-quality. This meta-analysis is not alone in its findings. Both Mayo Clinic and the National Cancer Institute cite studies showing a link between heavy cell phone use and an increased incidence of gliomas and salivary gland cancers.

American Cancer Society adds that health problems caused by wireless headphones also cannot be ruled out at this time, although these devices generally emit far lower radiofrequency energy than cell phones themselves. Worried about your exposure to wireless radiation? Effective and simple, the tips include: Spending less time on your cell phone Using the speakerphone feature to keep the phone further away from your head Keeping your cell phone further away from your body whenever possible e. Portions of this health tip are from NaturalHealth]
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