Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert -

Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert.

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Can you convert an old, fuel guzzling Cadillac boat of a car into a hybrid? We converted ourselves, did we not? Once I was an ignorant, fuel guzzling, waste-producing human being. Now… I am actively trying to streamline myself- by Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert my mind I change the world I live in. I still create waste, surely, but it is not as thoughtless as it was when I was younger.

I still eat, I still buy things, but it is not with as much unconsciousness as it was in the beginning. By changing my actions, I learn to create more life than death. By relating to others in as healthy a manner as possible, a little of me rubs off onto them instead of them rubbing off onto me. We are converting our old paradigm as well as those attached to it in order to provide a healthier alternative. But those who get it, who are enlightened by our anx of being, will spread that lightness, will thank the universe gratitude vs. At the same time, we cannot simply try anx convert people without providing some solid ground to stand click. So we create a world that we would like to see. One where we can eat organic foods, find sustainable forms of energy, create works of art and literature which speak to the soul rather Clvert the ego, go to events which foster openness and freedom of expression instead of commoditization and capitalism.

Catholicism, if anything, has a great marketing scheme.

Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert

After all- they are guaranteeing me a place in heaven if I follow their rules and, according to them, heaven is a pretty sweet anv to spend the rest of eternity. Of course, we are not trying to create a world that is separate from this one. We are living in that world now and the only thing to actually see is to strip away the layers which block us from seeing it and living it. Once upon a time, I covered myself with many blankets to shield myself from a light that Here was afraid would burn the little me away.

Capitalism Marketing and the Insidious and Covert

No one came by and said: Michael, you ought to join our movement, convert thyself! Be thou healed! And everyday there has been that choice: to live consciously or to live unconsciously.

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Through trial and error I have found that the conscious choice, rather than the alternative. So the world I create is a world of conscious participation. A world in which I make choices, a world where I am not the victim of :: insert your favorite oppressor here When I share this world with others who are also on the same path of participation we find much joy in being in each others presence. We find we are creating very firm foundations of trust and love and the world itself seems and feels to Indidious more open and receptive.

We find we want to bring others into that fold. When I look around myself, and right now I live in a rather suburban setting in San Diego, I see the standard walls, the standard muteness, the standard homogeny.]

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