Background Of First Generation Students -

Background Of First Generation Students Background Of First Generation Students

He went to the hallway to call his mom, who started crying tears of joy at work. Catalano is a first-generation student, so this was an important milestone. Now, a senior majoring in social relations and policy, Catalano said a big factor of his MSU experience was getting involved.

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The hardest thing for him was getting comfortable asking questions. Dietetics and neuroscience senior Rachael Stohlin said she remembers feeling nervous to speak up to ask questions and would often pretend she understands to avoid embarrassment. Craft chose to to MSU after high school while her sister went into a career.

Now, Craft is living and working with her parents at home.

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They provided her with a quiet, individual space to work. They just want to be involved. Despite the struggles these students face occasionally, they have ambitious futures ahead. Craft wants to use her education to attend graduate school, possibly at another school, to work with behavioral analysis in a big city.

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Stohlin hopes to work entrepreneurially with dietetics or progress to medical school to earn a high salary. All of these different dreams are a reflection of their upbringings as first-generation students.

Background Of First Generation Students

Sunday, November 22, Home News City Campus. Morgan Womack.

Background Of First Generation Students

Design by Emily Maze. Verena Daniel. Karly Graham. Lucas Day.]

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