Automation As A Self Regulating Process -

Automation As A Self Regulating Process Video

Process Control - Continuous \u0026 Batch Process, Self regulation - DOF, Servo \u0026 regulator operations Automation As A Self Regulating Process. Automation As A Self Regulating Process

About 10 mins. For example, when a customer needs to replace her credit card, the average service agent needs to know a bunch of things. Is it damaged, lost, or stolen?

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Where should we send the new card? Serving a customer in this situation and gathering and maintaining related data can involve separate systems with varying degrees of Regulxting. Providing a seamless, automated customer experience has historically been challenging, time-consuming, and code-heavy. Depending on the precise nature of your business processes, here may have had to:.

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Lightning Flow provides declarative process automation for every Salesforce app, experience, and portal. Included in Lightning Flow are two point-and-click automation tools: Process Builder, which lets you build processes, and Flow Builder, which lets you build flows. Process Builder and Flow Builder let you respond to and send platform event messages. In addition, Flow Builder can retrieve data from third-party systems with External Services. Once you build guided visual experiences, add them to Lightning pages, Community pages, the utility bar in your Lightning apps, and more.

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Each business process typically falls into one of these camps. One of the hardest things for an admin or a developer to figure out is when to use what tool for the job at hand. Use Process Builder when you need to start a behind-the-scenes business process automatically.

Automation As A Self Regulating Process

Processes can start when:. For example, when an opportunity is won, your company wants a renewal opportunity to be created automatically. As you see later in this module, you can build parts of that use case as a process, but the rest has to be built in a flow. Build the more complex functionality as invocable Apex methods. Then call the resulting Link as an Apex action in the process or as an Apex action element in the flow.

Automation As A Self Regulating Process

We snuck another tool in here. That said, Lightning Flow does support automating how a record gets submitted for approval.

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They have more features and can do more things. Plus, Flow Builder includes all-new functionality for behind-the-scenes automation. You can learn more about Workflow by visiting Salesforce Help. Sign Up. Log In.]

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