As You Go Creating A Missional Culture -

As You Go Creating A Missional Culture

As You Go Creating A Missional Culture Video

J.R. Woodward: Missional Leadership

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Our new short film offers an introduction to the history of Indigenous enslavement on land that is now the United States. Check out the Future Voters Project and join us as we work toward our goal of registering all eligible students by the time they graduate high school! The Forgotten Slavery of Our Ancestors Our new short film offers an introduction to the history of Indigenous enslavement on land that is now the United States. TT Publications. Race and Ethnicity. As You Go Creating A Missional Culture

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Opinion John R. Thus our challenge today is to move from church with mission to missional church.

As You Go Creating A Missional Culture

The move from church with a mission to missional church has significant implications for the practice of theology. As with the church, the impulses and assumptions that have shaped the discipline of theology in the West are those of Christendom rather than the mission of God.

As You Go Creating A Missional Culture

Theology is still often taught and discussed from the vantage point of early modern debates and concerns, with little reference to the missional character of God and the corresponding missional vocation of the church. Courses in missions or missiology are generally taught only in the practical theology department and, apart from a generic introductory course, are often thought to be primarily for those planning to participate in cross-cultural ministries.

Rarely are such courses taught in the systematics department, and the disciplines of missiology and systematic theology have generally evidenced little significant overlap and cross-fertilization. Some signs exist that this is beginning to change, but progress is slow.

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Generally speaking, most teaching and research in Western universities and schools of theology remains in thrall to traditional academic models that stress detached objectivity in the study of any discipline, including theology. Such an outlook is antithetical to the practice of Missionnal theology, particularly in light of its missional dimension. The reason for this, he notes, is that the subject of theology, the living God, makes demands, sets tasks and calls us to obedience. In this context, the study theology cannot remain detached and uncommitted.

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Like the challenge facing the church in moving from church with mission to missional church, so the discipline of theology, if it is to serve the church and be faithful to its Creaing, must move from theology with a mission component to a truly missional conception of theology. The idea of mission is at the heart of the biblical narratives concerning the work of God in human history.

David Bosch observes that mission is derived from the very nature of God and must be situated in the context of the doctrine of the Trinity rather than ecclesiology or soteriology.]

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