An Analysis Of Jane Austen s Jane Video
Jane Austen EMMA novel analysis—Narrative Voice, Irony, \u0026 Meaning (\u0026 Blunders)—ENGLISH LITERATURE An Analysis Of Jane Austen s Jane.Jane Austen is regarded as one of the best English novelists of all time. In fact, some critics have compared her to Shakespeare, and her six novels have inspired and formed the basis of various contemporary works of art.

For instance, some authors use quotations from her novels, while others incorporate characters that are similar to hers. However, Austen herself also uses the work of other writers before her to develop the plots and characters in her novels. For instance, Widmarkp. The novel was written at a time when English society was interested in Gothic themes Widmark,p. Though the novel was not published untilGothic novels were still popular at the time.

According to Widmarkp. It parodies and satirizes some of the most popular Gothic novels of the time. According to Butlerp. Throughout her novel, Austen describes how Catherine reads various Gothic novels and internalizes the characters from them. For instance, she imagines herself to be a Gothic heroine, similar to the main characters in the novels she has read.
Austen further shows how Catherine aspires to become a Gothic heroine. However, Austen parodies these very Gothic heroines by contrasting them with Catherine.
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According to Jurtikovap. One of the major differences between Northanger Abbey and other Austen works is that the novel seems to borrow a lot from other works. It could be argued that she was still learning, developing her literary taste, and experimenting with different writing styles. In addition, the parodying of Gothic fiction, especially of popular novels such as The Mysteries of Udolpho, can be seen as an attempt by Austen to latch onto the fame and recognition of other known writers.

Metatextuality and hypertextuality are evident in Northanger Abbey given the fact that Austen makes direct reference to several Gothic novels and authors. For instance, when Catherine arrives at Northanger Abbey, she keeps herself busy by reading novels.
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One of the novels she is described reading is, of course, The Mysteries of Udolpho Austen,p. The direct reference and mention of these titles makes it apparent that Northanger Abbey is a pastiche. At the time, critics thought that the titles mentioned by Austen were just a figment of her imagination. However, later in the early s, historical research revealed that these novels did in fact exist. Another instance of reference to Gothic writers and novels is seen in the conversation between Catherine and James Morland. Even though James Morland appears to be clueless about novels compared to Catherine, the literary heroineit is not lost to the reader that Austen makes direct reference to other writers and their works throughout this novel.
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The question of whether her intention was to promote her novel or just to entertain her readers remains a bone of contention among literary critics. However, what is clearly evident, and what critics agree on, is that the mention of other writers and their works qualifies Northanger Abbey as a pastiche. Beyond the references to contemporary Gothic titles, the theme of Gothic romance is also evident in Northanger Abbey. For instance, over the course of the novel, Austen shows how Catherine falls in love with James Morland.]
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