Agent Orange Negative Effects -

Agent Orange Negative Effects

Agent Orange Negative Effects Video

The Children of Agent Orange Agent Orange Negative Effects.

Essay on Agent Orange

Al Austin, an American war veteran who fought in Vietnam, has suffered from leukemia as a result of Agent Orange exposure. Agent Orange is the common name of the herbicide and defoliant, chemicals used to kill invasive weeds and other foliage, used during the Vietnam War by the United States military throughout the s and early s.

Agent Orange Negative Effects

Over twenty million gallons of the herbicide was sprayed to eradicate the thick mangrove forests native to Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, as to improve. Agent Orange is slowly taking the lives of these brave veterans. The government has recognized some diseases but the rules to compensation can be complex.

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It was in the 's that we were in the process of trying to destroy vegetation and brush Agent Orange Negative Effects Vietnam, in doing so we proceeded to contaminate one of the largest parts of the environment, Humankind. War Veterans were exposed to Agent Orange and now live their lives with a disease not necessarily. One of the instances that made Vietnam so controversial was the use of Agent Orange in South Vietnam. Agent Orange is the name of a pesticide composed of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-Dand 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4,5-T. Agent Orange also contained a chemical compound called dioxin, which has been found to be very toxic to humans. It was sprayed over Vietnam during Operation Ranch Hand, as.

Agent Orange : The Health Effects Of Agent Orange

Vietnam War the United States Military issued the use of one out of the Agent Orange Negative Effects other herbicides, this herbicide was called "Agent Orange" mainly because it had an Orange band around the storage barrels. Agent Orange was made out more info two herbicides: 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. This paper will evaluate three of the many carcinogenic chemicals that have the propensity to cause cancer and other health problems.

In addition, the paper will discuss incidents relating to each respective chemical. Also depicted in this paper is the type of cancers caused by each chemical and other related health problems associated with each chemical. These ailments, cancers, and diseases can be traced back to a series of Chemical Defoliates or herbicides Negaative have left traces of Dioxin with whoever or wherever it once was used or sprayed.

Agent Orange Negative Effects

Conclusions: For all of these Veterans affected by this chemical unknowingly deserve restitution and better yet compensation for their medical issues and bills. However, one of the most detrimental weapons they faced was Agent Orange.

Agent Orange Negative Effects

Agent Orange, claimed to be an aid to the plant life, actually caused more harm than good.]

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