What Are The Similarities Between Perikles And - opinion you
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What Are The Similarities Between Perikles And Video
Pericles, the Golden Age of AthensA pandemic is not a new phenomenon in human history. In history classes and usual conversation, https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/story-in-italian/the-matrix-my-favorite-science-fiction-movie.php are utterances of pandemics such as the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages and the Spanish flu of Pandemics continue to occur in cycles, and the patterns of human behaviour seem to be familiar in each case. If we look to ancient accounts of pandemics from Ancient Greece and Rome, we can identify a number of similarities and differences, which further supports the argument of the necessity to learn from history.
What Are The Similarities Between Perikles And Caracalla
One of the first recorded pandemics in antiquity was written both by ancient historians Livy and Thucydides. The two historians provided an interesting parallel of a plague that occurred in approximately BC in both Rome and Greece, which, perhaps, indicates a transfer of the plague over large geographical areas. While there is an ongoing debate over the type of disease that it was, Livy described it as extremely infectiousfor it affected livestock too. Thucydides describes the plague in more detail than Click. This may be because of the ongoing Peloponnesian War that occurred at the same time.
He believed the plague originated from Ethiopia and was initially untreatable since the doctors were ignorant of such a disease, and the doctors themselves died in numbers from the illness.
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This is similar to the death rate caused by Covidwhere doctors have had a high mortality rate too. Cadavers and human remains were reportedly left unburied due to the ever-increasing death rate. He makes mention of the differing behaviours of Athenians at the time where you were either remaining in self-isolation, visiting friends and risking your health, or attempting to recover from the illness. These behaviours, of course, have been occurring during our current pandemic. An intriguing point of analysis is critiquing the attitudes of leaders whose tenures were during the time of a pandemic. In fact, Pericles remains indignant and fails to take responsibility for the lack of action towards curbing the plague.

The Antonine plague was recorded by the ancient physician Galen and has been argued to have been instrumental in the decline of Imperial Rome. Ancient writings on diseases, however, may provide an idea of what Romans did during a pandemic such as the Antonine plague.
Summary : ' Emperor Commodus '
Wood explains that wealthy Romans understood the link between infection rate, temperature and article source density, which is why senators had estates in the country and access to public baths. Unfortunately, healthcare was expensive in Romehence, the majority of Romans relied on home remedies. Unfortunately, inonly 32 countries have forms of universal healthcarewhich also leaves lower classes at ransom to low or non-existent quality healthcare in various countries. The ancient historian Cassius Dio was alive during the Antonine plague and lived through its atrocious attack on the people of Rome.
Nevertheless, the plague reached its deadly climax when it supposedly claimed 2 lives per day.

Consequently, the effects of these ancient and modern plagues reveal startling similarities. Due to the high death rate caused by the Antonine plaguecities were underpopulated and faced the risk of economic turmoil. Linkthe Spanish flu took the lives of millions of working citizensleaving a lack of labour and economic stimuli.]
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