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Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization

Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization Video

The Rise of the West and Historical Methodology: Crash Course World History #212 Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization

The correct answers to the questions are highlighted and an explanation is needed for all answers correct and incorrect. One support sentence for each answer will be great! The post The correct answers to the questions are highlighted and an explanation is needed for all answers correct and incorrect. The Westerj was able to desegregate effectively during a conflict. The unit performed wartime service that increased calls for equality.

Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization

The unit provided covert military aid before the outbreak of the war. The unit employed an unbreakable code for battlefield communications. Economic hardships caused by the Great Depression G. The expansion of national parks to meet public demand H. Social instability caused by the return of World War 1 veterans J. The sale of western lands to railroad companies by homesteaders 6.

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Many economists believe that financing government programs through deficit spending has been effective for which purpose? Controlling inflation during period of economic growth G. Stimulating demand during period of economic recession H. Reducing interest rates during period of economic stagnation J. Advancing new technology during period of economic recovery What justification did expansionists present to support their foreign policy in the late 19th century? The United States must meet consumer demand for foreign goods.

Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization

The United States must complete with other nations for new territory. The United States must provide new territories for a growing population.

The United States must promote industrial development in foreign countries. How did the Interstate Commerce Act of signal a departure from Iaissez-faire capitalism? It curbed the power of railroads through regulation It mandated government influenced federal responses to public opinion. It required government approval for railroad expansion.

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It destroyed the power of railroads through nationalization. Which action by student groups in the s was inspired by the example of Rosa Parks during the s?

Western Government The Governments Of Western Civilization

Holding mass protest marches B. Integrating public transportation C. Registering African American voters D. Creating a separate African American culture F It generated anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States G It result in the loss of lives of United States citizens H It created competition for international markets J It established new rules for naval battles During the Populist era, what was the primary argument against adopting the silver standard? Monetary policy should be regulated by a central bank.

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Changing the basis for currency would result in inflation. Issuing more currency would cause a series of bank runs. Monetary policy should be based on agricultural productivity. Both countries allied with each other.]

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