Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education -

Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education

Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education Video

How Living in China Changed My Art - Artist Studio Visit with Martin Wehmer Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education

Please provide your account's email address and we will e-mail you instructions to reset your password. Learning Lab Collection. Support deep, meaningful learning with an online universe of authentic resources and tools for making them your own. Teach effectively by creating your own interactive learning experiences-or adopt exemplars made by teachers and Smithsonian experts. Understand history, art, culture, and the sciences through enquiry and analysis. Resources, training, and support to assist caregivers, teachers, and students as they face new learning challenges. The Lab is a free, Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education platform for discovering millions of authentic digital resources, creating content with online tools, and sharing in the Smithsonian's expansive community of knowledge and learning. Millions of Smithsonian digital images, recordings, texts, and videos in history, art and culture, and the sciences.

Thousands of examples of resources organized and structured for teaching and learning by educators and subject experts. In short We created the learning lab so anyone can quickly discover and adapt authorative subject-relevant resources.

Explore Topics and Skills

The Learning Lab allows Educatjon Smithsonian to come to us so we can explore all of their collections in any way that we choose. With the Smithsonian Learning Lab, teachers can access high-quality resources and use the interactive tools on the site to create their own collections. For me, what's most inspiring is the ability to see those teacher-created collections and adapt them so that they fit my own students' needs and interests.

We've hyperlinked customized Learning Lab image collections to lessons and units in our district's pacing guides.

Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education

This saves teachers time, supports student exploration of theme-based concepts, and provides the option for blended learning experiences. As a librarian, working with students from grades K-5, I access the wide range of museum resources in Learning Lab to find age-appropriate material. I use these resources to enhance lessons with inquiry-based learning strategies to help develop critical thinkers. The Learning Lab allows us to share the American story through the African American lens by engaging in stories of resilience and agency as told through our museum's unique collections.

The Learning Lab helps our team inspire, educate and empower people through design beyond the walls Edufation the museum.

Everything Under the Sun*

This dynamic tool facilitates collaboration with teachers and learners nationwide by leveraging content in our collections and exhibitions to share design stories. The Learning Lab is a powerful teaching and learning tool that allows the Heinz History Center to maximize our digital collections and make an impact in classrooms, engaging students and teachers as we connect regional and national history. The Learning Lab allowed me to easily access vast Smithsonian collections and make them a central part of my classes. As a parent of teenagers, I truly value the Learning Lab as a trusted source for educational materials that inspire and extend my children's learning. Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education collections of resources to engage learners, or freely adapt ones already made by Learning Lab users like you.

Make a collection student-friendly, with information, focus, and interactivity. Share what you discover and create with the Smithsonian learning community and beyond. Spread the word. Easily share the things you care about the other users, your colleagues, students, and friends.]

Visual Art My Passion For Visual Education

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