Use Of Technology And Social Media Video
LDS General Authorities Address the Use of Social Media/Technology Use Of Technology And Social MediaSAFE AND SECURE PURCHASE
If you are a parent of a school aged student, you are likely wondering if your children are being negatively affected from the use of so many technological devices. From cell phones, computers, music devices, electronic notebooks, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

As a parent and educator who has observed many students throughout my career, just from shear observation it appears that students today are thwarting their memory skills and their ability to tend to tasks for any measurable amount of time due to a seemingly addiction to technology.
What began link instant messaging that hampered students grammar, word usage, sentence construction, idea development and other components Uxe written language, has now evolved into the use of various means of social media.
Students are juggling so much input and mental stimuli all at once that it appears that their attention span is dimensioning as a result.
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In regards to memory, gone are the days of traveling to the local library to research periodicals, books and scholarly research papers to locate important information. No doubt there are benefits to the World Wide Web and having so much information literally at our fingertips, but there are down sides, too! Declining attention spans are causing Use Of Technology And Social Media accidents such as pans being left to boil over on the stove top, bath water allowed to overflow, and freezer doors left open, the survey suggests.
But Og overs are able to concentrate for longer periods than young people, suggesting that busy lifestyles and intrusive modern technology rather than old age are to blame for our mental decline. Lack of attention can have a serious impact on task performance and increases the risk of accidents such as left pots and pans on the stove top.

If you would like to share what you are doing in your family to prevent the symptoms described above of excessive use of technology, please email them to me at carol totallearningconcepts. We have a responsibility as parents, grandparents, and adult mentors to train young people in ways that will benefit them throughout their lifetime as they prepare for college and a career. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Website design by Digital Design Solutions. Contact Information. Phone Email carol totallearningconcepts.
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