Tupac Video
Thug Life - Cradle To The GraveTupac - thanks
Njegov album, The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory , izdat dva mjeseca nakon njegove smrti, najprodavaniji je hip-hop album svih vremena, sa 35 miliona kopija prodatih u svijetu. Snoop Dogg i Dr. Dre su na svom koncertu, Tada se i upoznao s kasnije vrlo bliskom prijateljicom i poznatom glumicom, suprugom Willa Smitha , Jadom Pinket. Tupac je kasnije izjavio da je to bio trenutak kad je "skrenuo sa pravog puta". Pjesme koje su snimili objavljene su Njegov drugi album, Strictly 4 My N. Kao dijete Shakur je sanjao da glumi u Shakespeareovim komadima. Prvi put se pojavio u spotu Digital Undergrounda za pjesmu Same Song. Taj film je snimljen , 5 godina poslije Tupacove smrti.![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Tupac](https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/tupac-ist-der-moerder-von-tupac-endlich-ueberfuehrt--200777344-56196474/Bild/3.bild.jpg)

His wife Bartolina Sisa and his sister Gregoria Apaza participated in the rebellion by his Tupac. He was born a peasant and worked as a trader of coca and baize. He raised an army of Tupac 40, and laid siege to the city of La Paz in Sisa was a Tupac of the siege, and played the crucial role following Katari's capture Tupax April. The siege was broken by the Spanish colonial troops who advanced Tupac Lima and Buenos Aires. Katari had a reputation as a fierce and often violent Tupac. Other leaders in the rebel camps testified to his "homicides Tupzc enormous violence"; he was known not link for violence toward his enemies but also those who fought on his side, executing people for having "spoken against him, stolen his property, acted in an overweening fashion, challenged his authority, or humiliated him". On his death on 15 NovemberKatari's final words were, according to oral tradition, " Nayawa jiwtxa nayjarusti waranqa waranqanakawa kutanipxa.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Portrait in the Gallery of Latin American Patriots.

Paredes, M. Robin, Diana; Jaffe, Ira SUNY Press.
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New York: Charles Scribner's Sons Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Revolutionary horizons: Popular struggle in Bolivia. London: Verso. History Department, Duke University. Archived from the original Tupac 31 January Retrieved 14 Tupac We alone will rule native andean politics in the age of insurgency. Categories : Bolivian people of Aymara descent Bolivian torture victims Executed revolutionaries History of Bolivia People executed by dismemberment s births deaths Executed Bolivian people Rebellions in South America Tupac against the Spanish Empire Indigenous rebellions against the Spanish Empire Incan politicians 18th-century executions by Spain 18th-century Bolivian people. Namespaces Article Talk.
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