Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon -

Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon

Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon Video

Carbon Offsets and Emissions Trading Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon.

New Delhi: Three companies had promised Rajeev Sadanand that they would invest in a scheme to replace old light bulbs with new energy-efficient bulbs across Kerala. But that was before December. All three firms backed out of the project—which was depending on the sale of carbon credits to be viable—when developed nations failed to commit themselves to future carbon emission reductions at the global climate summit in Copenhagen. He was eventually bailed out by state government-owned Energy Management Centre.

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But with few projects having such a backup, carbon consultancy, or the business of advising companies on the sale of carbon credits to developed nations, is floundering in India in the aftermath of the Copenhagen talks. More and more carbon consultancies are planning to diversify into related areas such as advising companies Cafbon energy-efficient technologies, managing emissions and investing in renewable energy resources. India has been second only to China in sale of carbon credits But developed nations have made these commitments only until As climate talks remain stalled, the future of trading in carbon emission reductions is uncertain.

The first commitment period on emission reductions is only till Business-wise, most Ekissions are looking at diversifying," said Biswajit Pradhan, vice-president, Verve Consultinga carbon consultancy. It would Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon necessarily be in track with carbon credits. Currently, there is a lot of work and scope within India.

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Https:// are Trdaing at more policy and regulation focus," said Pradhan. Ltdis a touch more optimistic. However, definitely diversification is the key. We are all trying to do so. It is starting to make business sense," said Datta. Nine sectors will need to achieve efficiency targets; they can then trade in extra credits.

Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon

Both Pradhan and Datta said this has galvanized action. We are helping many formulate strategies around this. We are also investing in renewable energy within India, which is easily one of the most attractive markets today," said Pandey. Click here to read the Mint ePaper Mint is now on Telegram. Join Mint channel in your Telegram and stay updated with the latest business news. You are now subscribed to our newsletters.

Deloitte calls its carbon consultancy department carbon advisory and sustainability services.

Trading Eligible Emissions Units in the Carbon

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