Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of -

Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of Video

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Work Environment

If you need assistance with this question too, please click on the Order button at the bottom of the page to get started. This project requires that I identify an area that needs improvement at my current place of practice. I then need to create a project proposal in which I use evidence-based research Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of support changes that I want to implement to achieve a goal. It would be nice if this focuses on patients in the ICU setting, but this is not mandatory. I need Baxhelor essay of at least 10 pages and 5 references to be submitted in APA format.

Some of the proposal that I have mentioned in class include: -disposable stethoscopes for each patient, -mandatory hand washing and isolation gowns for not only staff, but families and visitors, -private rooms for patients in the ICU, -educating family on infection control methods and encouraging family members to hold staff accountable when practices are not met, -having someone on each shift observe staff compliance with infection control methods, -better assessment of and optimization of patients nutritional status It would be great if these practices could be included in the research paper as it Rehistered reflect that I followed up on class discussions and suggestions.

Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of

If the author can come up with other methods that could reduce nosocomial infection rates and support it with evidence-based research, that would be very much appreciated. Public information is available online as to their nosocomial infection rates. Please include data available and include it in the paper. I do not think that the professor will verify the accuracy of the data, but please make an attempt Registdred make it as accurate as possible.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

There is also a powerpoint presentation that needs to accompany this research paper. I have attached the syllabus as well as instructions for the powerpoint. The powerpoint is due at a later date. I will work with whoever is chosen to do this project to also complete the powerpoint presentation for me. I am willing to submit to any compensation requirements as this is the final class needed to complete my degree. Please do not be discouraged by the workload as I am able to compensate well for someone who takes on this project and will be committed to providing quality material.

Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of

The rubric for the paper as well as the powerpoint presentation are outlined in the syllabus. I have also attached separate files Bacheloor what is expected for each of these projects. Again, the research paper is due on November 27th, but the powerpoint presentation is not due until the following week. These activities are a part of the information that Tk to be submitted as part of the powerpoint presentation. These are information and guidelines of expectations for this final product. I am including them to give the author of this project further guidelines and resources so that they have a precise picture of what is expected. Also, each week, a discussion blog is assigned to her us Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of prepare for this project. Please review each week in the syllabus and try to include those discussion topics as part of the project so that it all comes together well. Finally, another leisure that will make me comfortable is working with someone who is able to communicate their ideas with me during this project.

If this is not feasible, I go here okay moving forward, but it will make me feel much more comfortable.

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One thought on “Through My Registered Nurse To Bachelor Of

  1. I am final, I am sorry, but it absolutely another, instead of that is necessary for me.

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