The Theory Of Progressive Evolution Video
Theory of Evolution: How did Darwin come up with it? - BBC News The Theory Of Progressive Evolution.Marriage institutions have changed over time, evolving from polygyny to monogamy, and then to serial monogamy as defined by divorce and remarriage.
The evolution of organizational structure
We propose a unified theory of such institutional changes, where the dynamics of income distribution are the driving force. We characterize the marriage-market equilibrium in each of the three alternative regimes, and determine which one emerges as a political equilibrium, depending on the state of the economy. In a two-class society, a rise in the share of rich males drives the change from polygyny to monogamy.
The introduction of serial monogamy follows from a further rise in the proportion of either rich females or rich males. Monogamy eases Probressive transition to serial monogamy, since it promotes social mobility.
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Organizational structure in progressive organizations
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