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The Theory Of Divine Right The Theory Of Divine Right The Theory Of Divine Right

I approached the conference with an open mind and heart, but was wary about the pre-event advertising. Critical race theory—a viewpoint that society is inherently racist and constructed Ot whites at the expense of people of color—is a dangerous and unjust attempt to divide people. I will return to those broader themes below.

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According to Sister—who happens to be white—the Catholic Church is complicit in systemic racism. Sister gave several detailed examples of racism. Her Dominican order has a sister community in South Africa. While The Theory Of Divine Right was visiting and providing training there this past winter, she said she saw the stark disparities in education and circumstance between blacks and whites.

The discussion then shifted to the U. After the presentation, I read through the two most recent pastoral letters. The documents are grounded in Christian teachings of justice, mercy and love. They explain that human persons are created in the image and likeness of God. Racism is sinful—it is a violation of human dignity. But I was surprised that the letters apparently assume that all economic, housing, welfare, and incarceration disparities are caused solely by racism. Another attendee asked how police brutality fits in with all of this. Sister did admit that police had been helpful to her home-parish in a challenging Bronx, New York neighborhood. We are in it.

I wish the message would have been that sins such as racism are best addressed and overcome through turning toward Jesus Christ, the Gospel, the Church, and Catholic doctrine and practice. Catholicism and its human rights principles are based on authentic universality and supernatural unity, the antidote to the diversity message of chaos espoused in many of the secular resources that Sister was recommending.

The Theory Of Divine Right

Liberation theology is especially concerning. According to a document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, signed by then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, it has been used to justify more info and has tendencies toward Marxism, which includes denial of the human person, his liberty and rights. Supporting these sort of deficient and often-subversive ideologies is essentially support for destruction of the traditional family and unjust acts against people, property, and the Church.

All of which we have been seeing far too often this year across America, not least here in Portland, Oregon. None of these were mentioned in the presentation I attended. I also thought about what this means for me personally, and for my family. As a mom, I think about how these messages will impact kids. Do I want kids to grow up believing that skin color is perhaps more important than treating people as The Theory Of Divine Right Do I want white kids to be burdened with inescapable guilt? Do I want kids of color to feel the hopelessness that comes with permanent victim status?

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Some black scholars believe these views are dehumanizing and condescending to their kids. It is reasonable to conclude that these ideas, for young people of any race, could result in unhealthy self-hatred for their immutable characteristics. Body-image issues can be toxic, especially for teens. Kendi, one of the authors Sister had recommended in her parish presentation.

I was curious and registered for the online event hosted by a Catholic university in the Midwest.

The Theory Of Divine Right

Perhaps I would find that my concerns about Kendi and these theories were overblown. But I became even more disheartened while listening to Kendi speak—about anti-racism, Angela Davis, and abolishing police, prisons, and even capitalism.

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I came away from the talk even more concerned. It seemed Kendi was using claims of racism, not in an earnest effort to fight real discrimination, but rather as means to advocate for Thsory unabashed shakedown of America for cash—reparations and redistribution of wealth. And he seemed to be willing to spread radical and toxic views in order to do it. Why are Catholic schools tossing aside years of Catholic theological and intellectual tradition—and our Greek, Roman and Jewish heritage—for these unproven and divisive theories?]

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