The Romantic Novel Pride And Prejudice By -

The Romantic Novel Pride And Prejudice By.

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After a disastrous blind date, Darcy Lowell is desperate to stop her well-meaning brother from playing matchmaker ever again. Love—and the inevitable heartbreak—is the last thing she wants. So she fibs and says her latest set up was a success. Elle Jones, one of the astrologers behind the popular Twitter account, Oh My Stars, dreams of finding here soul mate. Was Darcy on the same date?

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The last thing they expect is to develop real feelings during a fake relationship. I will always have a soft spot for anything Pride and Prejudice inspired Bt it was the first book after elementary school that made me fall in love with reading in AP English. Somehow they end up in a fake dating situation when Darcy blurts out on impulse that she and Elle are together in order to stop him setting her up on dates any longer, and, of course, they fall for each other.

The Romantic Novel Pride And Prejudice By

The release date of Written in the Stars was marketing genius because even though it is not directly marketed as such, this book is through and through a holiday romance. We all know that this year, we could use any ounce of holiday spirit that we can muster. More importantly, we can use the connection and love from people we trust and care about. This setting is particularly important because the holidays, while entirely joyous for some, can bring complex emotions for others, particularly surrounding family. In any fake dating romance, there is a fun element of attempting to learn about the other person in a very condensed period of time. For one of their dates, Darcy helps Elle survive a family holiday gathering.

They place high value on appearances and seeming like the perfect cookie-cutter family.

The Romantic Novel Pride And Prejudice By

There are some homophobic beliefs that they verbalize or imply at various points and my blood boiled for Elle. It was such a relief to see Darcy truly supporting her through this and that made me root for them hard.

They, like many others, associate with a younger community and with a female-dominant community, which is true in some regards.]

The Romantic Novel Pride And Prejudice By

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