The Most Common Neurological Disorder -

The Most Common Neurological Disorder Video

Common Neurological symptoms and when to consult a neurologist

The Most Common Neurological Disorder - apologise

Background: Chile has a shortage of medical experts, including neurologists. The remote neurology program at Las Higueras Hospital in Talcahuano HHT was implemented in to decrease the number of patients waiting for their first appointment. Methods: This retrospective study analyzed a cohort of 2, ambulatory patients evaluated in the teleneurology program at the HHT between and who were referred from 16 primary and 3 tertiary healthcare centers. In total, 1, The patients were referred to a neurologist in the teleneurology program from different primary healthcare centers The most common diseases diagnosed through teleneurology were, in decreasing order, headache From July , we analyzed the patients' destination after the first teleneurology consultation. In the cohort of patients who had their first consultation via the teleneurology program, Conclusions: Data from this study show, for the first time in Chile, the significant contribution of the teleneurology program at the HHT to the diagnosis of a broad range of diseases in a substantial number of patients referred from primary and tertiary healthcare centers. The Most Common Neurological Disorder The Most Common Neurological Disorder. The Most Common Neurological Disorder

Monday, November 23rd, The clinic will have certified epileptologists trained in adult and paediatric epilepsy, supported by a multi-disciplinary team to address the complex needs of both adults and children suffering from epilepsy.

Patients can access specialized treatment for new onset seizure, complex epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, PNES treatment and ketogenic diet plan. Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disease in India with an estimated incidence of about 12 million patients in India.

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Social discrimination, stigma and lack of awareness about the treatment options available to cure or manage epilepsy patients remain some of the major issues in reducing the burden of epilepsy in India. However there are still some myths and superstitions around seizures or fits, with some people still believing that it is caused by a ghost possession or mental illness. With the launch of this clinic, we aim to create more awareness about epilepsy, acceptance and relief from this condition, and reduce some of the social discrimination faced by epileptic patients in schools, workplaces, Disordwr life link. Read the full article.

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The Most Common Neurological Disorder

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The Most Common Neurological Disorder

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