The Moral Justification Of Capitalism -

The Moral Justification Of Capitalism

The Moral Justification Of Capitalism Video

The Ethical Justification of Capitalism and Why Socialism Is Morally Indefensible The Moral Justification Of Capitalism

Podbean audio introduction to The Moral Justification Of Capitalism Please distribute widely. And the source of that common belief and behavior The Moral Justification Of Capitalism the American Revolution: it was the revolution and only the Revolution that made them one people. A second American Revolution is justified to restore the moral philosophy of the shared national mission of liberty, obtained in the first revolution. The nation is evenly divided between citizens who desire socialism and citizens who desire freedom, and those two conceptions of America are incompatible and irreconcilable.

Jefferson sought to keep a moral society separate and apart from government power. In subverting the election laws, the socialists seek to subordinate all of society under the jurisdiction of a totalitarian government. Socialists seek to replace an independent moral society with the arbitrary power of government, that they alone control, through the agencies of their vanguard socialist party. The socialists knew, in advance, the damage their transgression would cause to the Trump voters, and proceeded anyways, to inflict that damage.

The socialists did not limit their attack to subverting the American idea Th individual rights, but, in evading the election laws, they also subverted the collective American right of self-determination and self-government. The socialists have claimed an illegitimate authority to govern, not derived from the consent of the governed. Democrat socialists seek to Morwl the attainment of raw political power of government over the natural rights of citizens.

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Capitalidm socialists deny the claim of individual moral responsibility and seek to replace it with the principle that only socialist elites can judge morally correct behavior. Locke sees individual citizens as owners of their own labor. Socialists see citizens as property of the Socialist State. Locke sees each individual as a moral agent, able to reason, and entitled to freedom. Locke states that the moral system is based upon individualism. The public happiness is to be the aggregate of the happiness of individuals.

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Locke wrote that the single most important duty of government is to protect the The Moral Justification Of Capitalism natural rights of their citizens. Locke stated that citizens possess a moral right to revolt when government violates those natural rights for the protection of which it was created.

In return for security, Locke expected those citizens to Memristor the legal laws enacted by the government to translate the consent of the governed into elected representatives. Trump voters expected socialists to follow the legal laws of the code American civic virtue of playing by the rules, established by common moral understanding of American values, and the socialists failed to follow the laws.

This article is aimed at persuading those Trump voters who must make a personal, moral decision, that a second revolution is justified, and to persuade them to join the revolution to restore American civic virtue. A second revolution is morally justified to restore the original national social contract that established liberty and self-government.

The Moral Justification Of Capitalism

Trump voters now have a moral right to abolish and replace that illegitimate government. The moral justification of the first American Revolution was the belief that the British authorities intended to enslave the colonists. There seems to be direct and formal design on foot, to enslave all America. A fatal error. That is the very circumstance most alarming to me. For I am convinced, that the authors of this law would never have obtained an act to raise so trifling a sum….

In short, if they have a right to levy a tax of one penny upon us, then they have a right to levy a million Capitaliism us.

The Moral Justification Of Capitalism

Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable — and let it come!]

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