The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme -

The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme Video

Lyme disease: What you need to know about ticks The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme. The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme

If you type "Japanese barberry" into a search engine, the first result will likely be a National Park Service Https:// page designed to look like a "Wanted" poster. A bit of a contradiction—but a common contradiction in the world of invasive-species research. Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii is a case in point. The spiny, red-berried shrub is designated invasive in 20 states and the District of Columbia. Still, you can probably buy one around the corner.

The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme

Barberry is hearty. It grows in open fields, wooded areas, wetlands and disturbed habitats. It prefers full sun but will flower and bear its oval berries even in heavy shade. It can live in a swamp or a parking lot.

Contact tick-control enthusiast Dave Macchia

It produces many seeds, and germination rates have been estimated as high as 90 percent. Birds and small animals deposit it. Hikers move it from place to place in boot treads. It can grow pretty much anywhere. And it does.

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Japanese barberry took a circuitous route to arrive on our shores. An Asian native, it was introduced to the U.

The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme

Native plants and wildlife have lost habitat. Soil chemistry has been affected. Japanese barberry has denser foliage than most native species.

The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme

As a result, the plants retain higher humidity levels. Ticks need humidity and become desiccated when levels drop below 80 percent. Relative humidity under a barberry is about percent at night.

The Causative Agent Of Human Monocytotrophic Ehrlichiosis

In forests. In backyards. In parking lots. Day and night. The message is clear, and pretty obvious: Invasive species affect our lives see more our environment—as well as our economy—in a multitude of ways both direct and indirect.

But are people paying attention? When you start telling people that this plant can negatively affect them, their pets, their children, then they start paying attention. Swearingen, U. Here are two more photos of Japanese barberry infestation. These are from The Link Between Deer Tick And Lyme, Mass. Credit: Native Habitat Restoration, About the author: Beth Jones is a journalist, author, blogger and educator who has contributed to the Boston Globe, New York Times, Huffington Post, public radio stations in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and numerous magazines and academic journals.]

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