The Hierarchy Of Needs Theory - all
First, it will show a brief introduction of the person who first thought of this theory and an explanation of this theory. After that, there will be the relevance and practical application of this concept. Lastly, this paper will discuss the implication of the theory, and will show how this theory will effect on the organization behavior to be more effective. The human. In brief we need to wear some sort of scientific lenses by which we can catch the world of observation in order to explain, predict and influence the course of actions. This theory of needs was popularized by David McClelland. He is a behavioural psychologist in American. According to McClelland, the motivators in the theory are learned. That why this theory sometimes was called the Learned Needs Theory.Question interesting: The Hierarchy Of Needs Theory
The Hierarchy Of Needs Theory | 982 |
The Hierarchy Of Needs Theory Video
The Hierarchy of Needs The Hierarchy Of Needs TheoryThis theory could be of great help to the psychological and behavioral management students. The needs that are focused under this Maslow theory of needs is adult needs which are divided into five major levels.

The five stages of needs are — physiological needs, safety needs, love and belongingness, esteem needs and self actualisation needs. Maslow hierarchy of needs theory starts off from the psychological needs which is very primitive and basic human need required for functioning of body. When the lower needs of a person is fulfilled he moves on to the next stage of need.
What are the theories of motivation?
Every person is capable of reaching the self actualisation level. While some stressful or eventful incidents of life could put an individual hanging between the different levels of hierarchy.

Hierrchy The five levels of Maslow hierarchial needs theory varies from lower need to the highest form of needs of an individual. These are the basic or biological needs of an individual. Without fulfillment of these basic needs an individual cannot think of meeting the other high levels of needs.

After Tge of basic needs of The Hierarchy Of Needs Theory person, he needs a sense of safety and security at his work and environment in which he resides. This mostly includes safety from family and friends side who are an emotional support for any person. It includes financial security in the form of a secured job, workplace safety and hygiene, food safety, safe place of residence, health and life insurance, savings in the account, support from family, safety from health hazards, an emotional security, safety of his property and his well being.
This could be categorized as the third tier of need of a person. Every person is a social animal and he needs some trustworthy and honest relationships in his life to rely upon.
The Need For Theory And Theorizing
Fulfillment of any social need leads to a strong social interpersonal relationships. Friendship, trust, intimacy, acceptance, love and affection, belongingness to a particular community or social group family, work, friendschurches and religious organizations, sports team, book clubs etc. Esteem needs is the desire to have dignity, self respect, self value, self worth, a feeling of sense of achievement Nreds excelling in a link. Desire of social status and reputation in the society and getting respect from others alsoo boosts our esteem and confidence level. Participation in a team, taking part in hobbies, participation in professional activities all raises the self worth and esteem of a person.
What are the six motivators?
Such people have better trust and confidence in themselves. It is the most highest form of desire or need that can only be achieved through self satisfaction of a particular person. Self actualisation is a accomplishment of a person that one can be and could attain or achieve in life. Self actualisation is a journey that van be achieved through various ways as it includes the personal experience and growth of an individual.
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It can be achieved through Theoty of greatest height in any respective fields of life whether in education, sports, corporate etc. This need can only be measured by the degree of happiness felt by a person according to Maslow. It is a continous process and not a perfect state of achievement. One has to work continously to achieve this self actualisation goal. Cooking, travelling to new places, learning a new language, gardening, caring for others, designing, music, athletics, winning awards etc.]
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