The Gulf War And Its Effects On -

The Gulf War And Its Effects On

The Gulf War And Its Effects On - opinion you

He noted the professionalism, dedication and contribution of reserve officers in the Persian Gulf War. President George H. Bush spoke to employees of the Raytheon Corporation plant in Andover, Massachusetts, which manufactures parts for the…. President Bush, speaking before the Reserve Officers Association one week after the beginning of hostilities in the Persian Gulf, was optimistic about the outcome of the…. More information about Persian Gulf War Effects. Request Download. Error requesting format availability. Your request has been submitted. There was an error processing your purchase. January 23, Persian Gulf War President Bush, speaking before the Reserve Officers Association one week after the beginning of hostilities in the Persian Gulf, was optimistic about the outcome of the…. The Gulf War And Its Effects On.

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How The Coalition Won The Gulf War - Secrets Of War - Timeline

Gulf War Syndrome Essay

Gulf Click to see more syndrome or Gulf War illness is a chronic and multi-symptomatic disorder affecting returning military veterans of the — Persian Gulf War. From tothe health of combat veterans worsened in comparison with nondeployed veterans, with the onset of more new chronic diseases, functional impairment, repeated clinic visits and hospitalizations, chronic fatigue syndrome -like illness, posttraumatic stress disorderand greater persistence of adverse health incidents.

Exposure to pesticides and pills containing pyridostigmine bromide used as a pretreatment to protect against nerve agent effects has been found to be associated with the neurological effects seen in Gulf war syndrome. Studies have consistently indicated that Gulf War syndrome is not the result of combat or other stressors and that Gulf War veterans have lower rates of posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD than veterans of other wars. According to an April U. According to the IOM, "It is clear that a significant portion of the soldiers deployed to the Gulf War have experienced troubling constellations of symptoms that are difficult to categorize," said committee chair Stephen L.

Veterans who continue to suffer from these symptoms deserve the very best that modern science and medicine can The Gulf War And Its Effects On to speed the development of effective treatments, cures, and—we hope—prevention. Our report suggests a path forward to accomplish this goal, and we believe that through a concerted national effort and rigorous scientific input, answers can be found.

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Questions still exist regarding why certain veterans showed, and still show, medically unexplained symptoms while others did not, why symptoms are diverse in some and specific in others, and why combat exposure is not consistently linked to having or not having symptoms. Birth nO have been suggested as a consequence of Gulf War deployment. However, a review of several studies of international coalition veterans' children found no strong or consistent evidence of an increase in birth defects, finding a modest increase in birth defects that was within the range of the general population, in addition to being unable to exclude recall bias as an explanation for the results.

The Gulf War And Its Effects On

Gulf War veterans have been identified to have an increased risk of multiple sclerosis. A study by the U. Department of Veterans Affairs found that veterans Gulv exposed to chemical warfare agents at Khamisiyah experienced different patterns of brain cancer mortality risk compared to the here groups, with veterans possibly exposed having a higher risk of brain cancer in the time period immediately following the Gulf War.

The United States Congress mandated the U. These included pyridostigmine bromide pills given to protect troops from the effects of nerve agentsdepleted uranium munitions, and multiple simultaneous vaccinations including anthrax and botulinum toxin vaccines.

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The oil and smoke that spewed for months from hundreds of burning oil wells presented another exposure hazard not previously encountered in a war zone. Military personnel also had to cope with swarms of insects, requiring the widespread use of pesticides. High-powered microwaves were used to disrupt Iraqi communications, and though it is unknown whether this might have contributed to the syndrome, research has suggested that safety limits for electromagnetic radiation are too lenient. The Research Advisory Committee The Gulf War And Its Effects On Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses RACa VA federal advisory committee mandated by Congress in legislation enacted in[21] [22] found that pre studies suggested the veterans' illnesses are neurological and apparently are linked to exposure to neurotoxinssuch as the nerve gas sarin, the anti-nerve gas drug pyridostigmine bromideand pesticides that affect the nervous system.

The RAC concluded in that, "research studies conducted since the war have consistently indicated that psychiatric illness, combat experience or The Gulf War And Its Effects On deployment-related stressors do not explain Gulf War veterans illnesses in the large majority of ill veterans.

Exposure to sarin and cyclosarin and to oil well fire emissions are also associated with neurologically based health effects, though their contribution to development of the disorder known as GWI is less clear. Gene-environment interactions are likely to have contributed to development of GWI in deployed veterans. This type of injury requires further study and concentrated treatment research efforts that may also benefit other occupational groups with similar exposure-related illnesses.

Depleted uranium DU was widely used in tank kinetic energy penetrator and autocannon rounds for the first time ever during the Gulf War [24] and has been suggested as a possible cause of Gulf War syndrome. Department of Veterans Affairs found no association between DU exposure and multisymptom illness, concluding that "exposure to DU munitions is not likely a primary cause of Gulf War illness". However, there are suggestions that long-term exposure to high doses click here DU may cause other health problems unrelated to GWI.

More recent medical literature reviews disagree, stating for example that, "the number of Gulf War veterans who developed the Gulf War syndrome following exposure to high quantities of DU has risen to about one-third of theU.

Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991

The US military issued pyridostigmine bromide PB pills to protect against exposure to nerve gas agents such as sarin and soman. PB was used as a prophylactic against nerve agents; it is not a vaccine.

The Gulf War And Its Effects On

Taken before exposure to nerve agents, PB was thought to increase the efficiency of nerve agent antidotes. Given both the large body of epidemiological data on myasthenia gravis patients and follow-up studies done on veterans it was concluded that while it Onn unlikely that health effects reported today by Gulf War veterans are the result of exposure solely to PB, use of PB was causally associated with illness. Organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy OPIDN, aka organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy may contribute to the unexplained illnesses of the Gulf War veterans. The use of organophosphate pesticides and insect repellents during the first Gulf War is credited with keeping rates of pest-borne diseases low. Pesticide use is one of AAnd two exposures consistently identified by Gulf War epidemiologic studies to The Gulf War And Its Effects On significantly associated with Gulf War illness.

In addition, Gulf War studies have identified dose-response effects, indicating that greater link use is more strongly associated with Gulf War illness than more limited use.

The Gulf War And Its Effects On

The report concluded that "all Effcets sources of evidence combine to support a consistent and compelling case that pesticide use during the Gulf War is causally associated with Gulf War illness. Many of the symptoms of Gulf War illness are similar to the symptoms of organophosphate, mustard gasand nerve gas poisoning.

Chemical detection units from Czechoslovakia, France, and Britain confirmed chemical agents.]

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