![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Emergence of Satellite Radio](https://comps.canstockphoto.com/the-development-of-satellite-radio-in-stock-illustrations_csp46189850.jpg)
In the world of racing, positioning is key. Some adopt an early lead, hoping to break away from the pack. Others choose a more moderate approach, gauging competition and making moves over the race. In the business of Earth Observation, positioning is just as key.
Non-Imagery Keeping Pace in EO
While the industry is well-established, with imagery setting the pace and breaking away as the RRadioa non-imagery market is emerging. Featuring datasets including radio occultation, Greenhouse gas emissions, and radio frequency monitoring, players such as GHGSatKleos Spaceand Orbital Sidekickamong many others, are aiming to provide data and derived products for Earth Observation.

However, given the advanced pace and established customer channels set by optical and SAR, does this emerging market stand a chance to get a good position in Emegrence market? Will non-imagery break away or simply get lost in the pack? The emergence of non-imagery is driven by the development of technology, and the pace of demand set in the EO market.
Advancements in satellite manufacturing and launch have The Emergence of Satellite Radio increase commercial access to these payloads, lowering the barrier to entry. As of today, over non-imagery EO satellites have been announced to launch by That is roughly a dozen a year, not bad for an emerging market. At the same time, ground networks and cloud technology are changing how EO data is bought and sold, redefining the capabilities of EO solutions.
Ever-growing data supply has prompted satellite operators to develop volume-based access via subscriptions and online portals, many of which powered by AmazonGoogleand Microsoft.
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Earth Observation is shifting from a traditionally focused, project-based industry to a more subscription, ongoing, commercially widespread industry. For non-imagery to succeed, players in this space must understand and adapt to the technology and pace that optical and SAR are setting for the market. Over time, as the uniqueness of the data becomes diluted through supply and https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/how-successful-people-think.php, players are expected to create more value by shifting toward downstream, insight-driven solutions. Non-imagery is an emerging market, facing the same funding, market awareness, and technological challenges inherent in any satellite-based industry.

However, given the resiliency of EOand the growing demand across all verticals, non-imagery players may be able to learn and benefit from the established market. Just as a racer may draft the front-runner until it is time to make their move, non-imagery players have an opportunity to learn what does and does not workstandardize pricing and offerings, and avoid data commoditization, if they The Emergence of Satellite Radio keep pace.
NSR Member Login. Forgot Your Password? Not a member? Contact Us. The Bottom Line. Setting the Pace The emergence of non-imagery is driven by the Emergennce of technology, and the pace of demand set in the EO market.]
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