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Dealing with EmotionsSynesthesia or synaesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. Awareness of synesthetic perceptions varies from person to person.
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Little is known about how synesthesia develops. It has been suggested that synesthesia develops during childhood when children are intensively engaged with abstract concepts for the first time.

These are usually the first abstract concepts that educational systems require children to learn. Difficulties have been recognized in adequately defining synesthesia. A more accurate but less common term may be ideasthesia.
The earliest recorded case of synesthesia is attributed to the Oxford University academic and philosopher John Lockewho, inmade a report about a blind man who said he experienced the color scarlet when he heard the sound of a trumpet. For example, in chromesthesia sound to colora projector may hear a trumpet, and see an orange triangle in space, while an associator might hear a trumpet, and think very strongly that it sounds "orange". Synesthesia can occur between nearly any article source senses or perceptual modes, and at least one synesthete, Solomon Shereshevskyexperienced synesthesia that linked all five senses. While nearly every logically possible combination of experiences can occur, several types are more common than others.
In one of the most common forms of synesthesia, individual letters of the alphabet and numbers collectively referred to as graphemes are "shaded" or click with a color. While different individuals usually do not report the The Effect Of Dancing On Subjective Experiences colors for all letters and numbers, studies with large numbers of synesthetes find some commonalities across letters e.
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Another common form of synesthesia is the association of sounds with colors. For some, everyday sounds such as doors opening, cars honking, or people talking can trigger seeing colors. For others, colors are triggered when musical notes or keys are being played.

The colors triggered by certain sounds, and any other synesthetic visual experiences, are referred to as photisms. According to Richard Cytowic[5] chromesthesia is "something like fireworks": voice, music, and assorted environmental sounds such as clattering dishes or dog barks trigger color and firework shapes that arise, move around, and then fade when the sound ends.
Sound often changes Experiencs perceived hue, brightness, scintillation, and directional movement.
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Some individuals see music on a "screen" in front of their faces. For Deni Simon, music produces waving lines "like oscilloscope configurations — lines moving in color, often metallic with height, width Dancong, most importantly, depth. My favorite music has lines that extend horizontally beyond the 'screen' area. Individuals rarely agree on what color a given sound The Effect Of Dancing On Subjective Experiences. B flat might Effect orange for one person and blue for another. Those with spatial sequence synesthesia SSS tend to see numerical sequences as points in space. For instance, the number 1 might be farther away and the number 2 might be closer. People with SSS may have superior memories; in one study, they were able to recall past events and memories far better and in far greater detail than those without the go here. They also see months or dates in the space around them.
Some people see time like a clock above and around them. A number form is a mental map of numbers that automatically and involuntarily appear whenever someone who experiences number-forms synesthesia thinks of numbers. These numbers might appear in different locations and the mapping changes and varies between individuals. Both of these areas are involved in The Effect Of Dancing On Subjective Experiences cognition and spatial cognition respectively. In auditory-tactile synesthesiacertain sounds can induce sensations in parts of the body. For example, someone with Dancinf synesthesia may experience that hearing a specific word or sound feels like touch in one specific part of the body or may experience that certain sounds can create a sensation in the skin without being touched.]
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